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Everything posted by tomburras

  1. lol...Should have fetched a bottle
  2. hi tom let me know if you what any more buddy.les Will do cheers. Got some good stuff planned for them bueatys over christmas cheers!
  3. Makes me laugh how so many people can have an opinion on someone they dont know and have never met. Leslie does a lot for the sport helping people by taking people out, teaching them ect. He was my old shooting partners good mate and i never heared any of the crap that gets spouted about him on forums. Iv met leslie twice and both times was a gent. Ps thanks for getting me them geese last week lealie it was a pleasure to meet you.
  4. Yes and lasted 207 years so far without a leak I thought I heard that sugar and rags wasn't it ?? It's amazing what they did and to think it really stood the test of time
  5. Exactly, fishing carp comercials is like that. People fishing side by side all the way around a pond catching stocked fish shouting there conversations at each other doesnt do it for me. Fishing is supposed to be a getaway, peaceful and relaxing. Its hard to beat a wander with a couple of ferrets, a pocketful of nets and your gun. It shows that the simplest and cheapest things are also the most fun! Atb tom.
  6. Unfortunately theres not many decent people around, the more people I meet makes me like my dogs more and more. They are the ones that will be by your side no mater what.
  7. While watching tv the other day i was bored and so contemplated life as you do and thaught about where i started. I used to fish the canal as a boy and allways dreamed about big pike and carp and dreamed about owning my own shotgun and rifle and years afterwards it happened. I caught the big carp and pike and shot the rabbits, phesants ect. and now was stuck for a goal. My tackle was sold a couple of years ago so i can concentrate on shooting after acomplasing my missions. Well i got some basic tacke and went to my childhood haunts on the cold canal and mannaged 2 tiny roach and a perch.
  8. It was an interesting watch. That aquaduct was amazing, who would have thaught it would have lasted this long with the ironwork sealed with heated sugar!
  9. Forgot to add while in Arron Wheelers today I asked him and he got one breaking for spares but no mags left.
  10. Tried them myself before they didnt have any.
  11. Iv ordered one the same as your link woodsmanjim but it was from hong kong and was 12 quid, also ordered a ultrafire 501b with remote switch also with a 150 lm red led for 12 quid so i can swap them about for a change of circumstances both single mode so happy days. 21 days to arrive tho but they where very cheap so worth the wait!
  12. Oh my god ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha! Quality
  13. The mag is 7 shot (has one solid part so you know the mags run out) and it has a round inlet hole at the back that measures 6mm across and 1mm deep. At the front of the mag theres a round protrusion that measures 4 mm round and 1.5 mm deep. The protrusion on the mag faces forwards (away from me and towards the muzzle end of the gun) when loading into the side of the gun. The whole mag measures 25 mm accross. Hope that makes sense.
  14. Yes his number is 01484 712 006 ill be home at 10:30 tonight ill take a look and report back. If your stuck and cant go shooting ill lend you my spare until fx send you yours.
  15. Forgot to add maybe also worth asking on the fx owners club website?
  16. Iv seen 2 crop up on ebay over the last few months. While at Arron wheelers at Brighouse a while ago I saw he had a box of various old mags give him a bell its worth a shot to see if he had one in there? Great guns by the way I have one myself good luck with your search atb Tom.
  17. Thanks very much for that! ill have a good reaserch when I top my internet dongle up. Appriciated. Atb Tom.
  18. That sounds the way forwards woodsmanjim I dont suppose you have a link to one of theese in single high mode do you? Mine are the ultrafire C8 1300lm with the T6 bulb. Cheers!
  19. Thanks for the info woodsmanjim, I tried that on my torches but it didnt work on mine either.
  20. Hi all my torch is superb but I only use it on high mode but annoyingley it has 5 modes hi / med / lo / flash / sos and I have to go through them all to get back to high mode. is there any way I could modify it so it only has hi mode? Many thanks for any info.
  21. Mine would be a hw85k superb gun. Everytime a bout of overtime comes around theres none about but one day ill get there!
  22. Never change a winning team ....... only joking the Daystate looks great too.
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