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Everything posted by Gaoler

  1. Where do you get your dog inoculated for that much ?, mine cost's around £45.00. John...
  2. Hello All, My Labrador is 4 years old and as been inoculated since being a pup. A vet I met at my local shoot claims that having dog's inoculated after the first two years is a waste of money, he claims that there have been no reported cases of any dog catching anything after the first two years of full inoculation. He maintains by this time the immune system is up to full strenght and further inoculations can cause more problems to the immune system. He say's it is the manufaturer and money grabbing vets pushing this train of thought. Anybody got any thoughts on this matter ? Than
  3. I think you can't beat a Labrador for an all rounder, easy to train, good with kids, fantastic temprament. Springers very good and hard working, mad as a box of frogs !! Clumber, my experience of them is not good, had the Clumber club at our shoot a few years ago, featured in shooting times, had to put bird in the mouth of one for a photo shoot, not a good dog between them.
  4. Hello All, Thanks for all your replies. I agree with the last post in that our dogs should be fit, and all your post's have given me some food for thought !!. My Lab is extremely lean &fit and she works hard when asked. Is there anything you can give a dog safely half way through the day if she requires an energy boost ? Thanks again John...
  5. Hello All, What is the best way to feed my Lab before working ? should I feed early morning or more the night before ? I currently feed her Burns Active. Any advice welcome. Thanks John...
  6. Hello All, New to the forum today, I have been shooting for twenty years now, I shoot Air Rifles and mainly do pest control for my local farmers. My other passion is Old Land Rovers this allows me to enjoy shooting more due being able to go anywhere on the farms. That's it !! Thanks John...
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