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Everything posted by billy1

  1. female,9 months,red,racey type,lives indoors and out,can be noisey outside,selling her due to the family that had her cant spent time with her,she not shy and gets on great with kids and dogs,both parents are gd workers and she needs sum1 to put the time in to her.free to gd workng homes only.
  2. give dave a ring....01427875004.
  3. all the good ones come from wales boys!!!! yeah but you got em off us lads down sarf to start with eh !!
  4. billy1

    the police

    this is taken from another board.. Not long ago a motorist was threatened with prosecution for laughing whilst he was driving, then we have the Guy who dies at the G20 demo after a cowardly unprovoked attack from behind by a Police Officer, and in the papers this morning, a police officer gets his mates to nick a Guy and throw him in the cells for six and a half hours for having a pot pig in his garden that was there four years before the copper moved in. All over a personal grievance between the two. A total abuse of his position and an utter disgrace to the force. His mates and sup
  5. how much for the bird and all the equipment with it.
  6. black and red rooster,13 months old,9lbs, gd strong honest bird, quid
  7. does it cum withall the equpiment ,perch ,scales,jess etc
  8. selling for a mate,8 month old,red ,racey type,she a softy,noisey in the garden,fathers a firs cross and the mother a 3/8 5/8,the family that had her never ad much time to look after her so she not lead trained and jus need sum1 to spend more time with her,she free to a gd home. pm for more details and ill put u on to the family that av the dog.
  9. .................................. This e-mail does contain wording that is meant to express an open opinion to a major problem in the USA , and other countries throughout the world, It is estimated that only 11% of those receiving this e-mail will read it all the way to the end. In addition, it is estimated that only 1% of non-white color will read this past this point and 99% will blow it away because of the title. "WHITE " Pride" This is great. I have been wondering about why Whites are racists, and no other race is..... Proud to be White Mi
  10. billy1


    A Somalian arrives in Birmingham as a new immigrant to England He stops the first man he sees walking down the street and says, 'Thank you Mr Englishman for letting me in this country, giving me housing, food Stamps, free medical care and free education!' The man says, 'You are mistaken, I am Pakistani.' The Somali man goes on and encounters another passer-by. 'Thank you for Having such a beautiful country here in the UK !' This person says, 'I no British, me Polish.' He walks on and stops the next person, shakes his hand and says, 'Thank you For the wonderful things i
  11. ive got a pair of welsummer and silver pencil wyandottes ,last years birds,50 quid for the lot.
  12. hi mate as ur selling ur dogs ,av you got any dog runs for sale.
  13. i get mine free too n its halal lol.
  14. hi jus wondering if any of ur dogs lick ur galvinised dog runs,ive got a dog her that constantly licks at the metal.
  15. no it dose not av to be europe,catching em with bull breeds.im speak english.
  16. where in europe can i go boar hunting.is there any kennels that would u recommend.
  17. looking for a bulldog to breed to my grey hound bitch.any 1 got anystud dogs
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