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Everything posted by villebones

  1. On a lamping spot i visit with a pal off here we usually see groups of 2-3 but nearer the end of the season we've seen groups of 6+ and the last time down there we saw a herd of 20 plus.
  2. From what I've seen, dogs don't even have to know the ground
  3. Got a 6 month old russell x bull/pat pup, to say im impressed with him is an understatement, so far hes bushed out douuble figure rabbits, plenty of pheasents, hes caught himself a pigeon and hes flushed a muntjac (got away safetly)
  4. Did quite abit of research into these cats last year as was genuinely interested, there have been reports of cat bodies found, one even knocked down by a car. http://www.bigcatmonitors.co.uk/privateinvestigator.htm and heres some for anyone livivng near the warwickshire area: http://www.bigcatsinbritain.org/englishnews593.htm Another article on the 'beast of barford' tells of a muntjac deer carcuss being found up a tree. I also remember of a member on here stating on a previous thread of finding a roe deer half way up a tree hanging on a branch. Believe it or not, Its upto you
  5. All I can smell from all this is ANOTHER litter. I hope I'm wrong.. If only you knew.. IN SPORT SHanded. . You're sense of smell must be outta this world
  6. Took these about 20 mins ago, Hes roughly 25tts mate
  7. I'll get some recent pics up asap mate And yes lads its a 'shot' roe deer leg
  8. http://www.thehuntinglife.com/forums/topic/160799-lurcher-pupps/page__p__1621676__fromsearch__1#entry1621676
  9. Heres my pup, 25tts. Caught a pigeon and rabbit so far
  10. villebones


  11. At least it's catching mice instead of digging in the garbage. Saw them scrounging in the school bins on multilple occasions in the second picture it had just come off the street with a chicken carcass and ran off across the field with it.
  12. Heres a few pics i took a few years back. Used to go down to get some photos of it on the school field, in the middle of the town.
  13. dont have one myself mate but any pics of yours?
  14. been interested in this cross for a while mate, any pictures?
  15. villebones


    knew someone would ask . I was actually sent it on facebook
  16. villebones


    Just for laughs http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oGZ-nOQFuaA&feature=player_embedded
  17. Best get too sleep then.. got exams in the morning

  18. 17/11/2010. 6:30 Am. I’m up and out the door with my 24tts Brindle lurcher bitch Meg and 5 month old terrier pup Midge. It’s still dark, and the feeling of the unknown hits me, followed by the excitement of not knowing what’s to come. After a quick walk round the corner and into the first field of the day, the quarry is sighted! The lurcher is off and straight onto it, a sharp turn and stumble sets Meg back but it’s not long before she’s back in for a final strike. A bit of a hard hit, but its one in the bag and retrieved, along with the terrier, to hand. The lurcher’s put on
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