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Everything posted by yorkshire

  1. They should leave them be , all singles or pairs I would have thought . no body going to "slap" a couple of fans traveling to support their team and should have a good day out. I been to BC plenty in my youth and always found them arsey regards ticket allocation .went up over the bridge for a few early drinks out of way one season , we stood around the old style jukebox taking piss out of each other , my mate go,s to sit/lean on the glass top ,, he go,s straight through piercing his arse on the old pin you put the records on lol..he never broke the glass it didn't exist ..
  2. What sort of relationship did Nazi Germany have with Islam anyway ?
  3. Dieings the easy bit compared to the grieve and misery that preceeds it . and more important knowing its self inflicted is what I found hard to accept . ... Just how I see it now mate .. Previously I didn't give a flying lol ..nothing worse than a reformed whore as they say lol ...
  4. Always smoked always will that was my attitude until recently . one side of neck looked swelled all the time , I just kept telling myself "be OK its what happens when you get older " . couple month back went to gp he referred me to ent (ear nose throat) . I thought that's it my numbers up , spend a few miserable years in/out hospital then croak . eventually after scans , ultrasound and biopsy they still could nt tell me if I had cancer or not . the consultant says whatever it is let's get it out and then we will know . I had two separate stays on ent ward and everyone in the ward each time had
  5. Glad you got sorted , no need to peg a dog on a dig , all it will do is bring unwanted attention . if your general nosey twat spies a chap or two digging and scratching about in a field he carries on not giving it a second thought , could be farmer clearing a drain ,dyke , planting a tree or burying his wife ... No one cares ... But have a terrier in view and Mr nosey parkers mind runs wild, as he go,s for the mobile ,dialing old bill who WILL descend on you from all sides and above ..lol.. I speak in experience not in jest.. JUST NOT WORTH IT . let a dog mark on a lead when on exercise , he w
  6. One locked , one gone , one to go ...lol
  7. Just had the head shaved No1 , but don't ask me to squeeze into the stretch jeans, wouldn't be a pretty sight .
  8. yorkshire


    Iv'e got a funeral tomorrow Fraz, nobody likes a funeral granted, but i hate religious funerals, i sit there and my blood boils mate, some mentally ill cretin telling us a fairy story, worst bit is walking out when the vicar stands there shaking everybodys hand, or trying in my case, i lost it once when i tried to ignore him and get past asap and he must have known, so stood in front of me, i leant forward and said "you're mentally ill mate" should have seen the look on his face Thanks for the offer of help, i don't think ill be needing it though Bully .. catholic church.........
  9. yorkshire


    Iv'e got a funeral tomorrow Fraz, nobody likes a funeral granted, but i hate religious funerals, i sit there and my blood boils mate, some mentally ill cretin telling us a fairy story, worst bit is walking out when the vicar stands there shaking everybodys hand, or trying in my case, i lost it once when i tried to ignore him and get past asap and he must have known, so stood in front of me, i leant forward and said "you're mentally ill mate" should have seen the look on his face Thanks for the offer of help, i don't think ill be needing it though Bully ..
  10. Does that mean they have forfeited the right to ever have a voice again. Unfortunately not .. The winners should have the [BANNED TEXT] to send all undesirables to losers and neutral, s . and while I'm making laws I want free icecream for kids lol
  11. It dont rock my boat having dogs tied up on a dig . the less anyone can see the less chance of them sticking NEB's in ..I always did it as a youngster and used a metal dowel with ring on . probably a bit bigger than it needed to be lol . I used to keep it in bottom of net bag . if I come across it I'll put a pic on. Have a look in the stainless steel thread flying fox makes some
  12. My lights are still on outside , and will flash and twinkle away until we out of the cups lol ...Mrs not happy.. up the blades
  13. yorkshire


    Kev plays his trump card ... Lol
  14. Its because the full term wasn't used "jock cnt" is the normal English term meaning Scottish decent . please use this in future to avoid complications
  15. What's the other site ? Pm if prefer . I want to start a god thread on it lol.
  16. yorkshire


    ( did you ever here the saying, bigger they are, harder they fall) Don't fall for that old chestnut fraz . Bigger they are harder they hit . A good bigun will always beat a good littleun . Factomondo,,..... ,
  17. yorkshire


    Rudyard Kipling fraz
  18. yorkshire


    Your aiming for the narrow gate then fraz ?
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