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Everything posted by yorkshire

  1. I was waiting for something funny to happen ?? Just a cool bloke dancing ..
  2. Tribute to Shred: I had a regular seat on shreds coaches for many season's . wherever we played whatever time we kicked off he had a watering hole sorted lol , never looking for trouble we was often welcome back to villages and clubs up and down the country. RIP shred a real football fan and No1 Blade ..
  3. Bleached jeans (frayed bottom), addidas gazelle trainers , Ivan lendl addidas t shirt . tacchini tracksuit top .
  4. Well done that man , happy birthday
  5. I know what wants putting around his scrawny neck ..
  6. What size you got to play with ?
  7. When you done all the back filling allways lay logs / sticks over top .... Nobody will ever know you been ...lol... Why do people do that ????? Lol
  8. Been watching hares last few week but today lent on gate and watched 6 hares boxing / playing together , weather still very wintery today mind ..
  9. yorkshire

    The Aa

    Absolute rubbish these clowns , last year they left the Mrs and 2 kids 3 1/2 hour before turning up , gave her £25 compo . then last week the gaylander died on a single lane country lane 6.30pm . they sent a contractor out "Wakefield's autos" . recovery lorry turns up within the hour , great she thinks job done . he has a look and says it need towing and I have the equipment to do it BUT it takes me about 30mins to rig up towing a 4x4 and the aa won't pay us the extra so I'm off ... Lol .. Take it up with aa ...lol.. Long story short , I got it towed to the garage we use ... Got home 9pm ish
  10. What would Russia gain going to war with us ? Lot of land between us and them to cause trouble with ?
  11. I freeze my raw before feeding . gut rabbits or anything else for that matter IMO ...
  12. Hope it all go,s well , be no proper Englishmen left in England soon ..
  13. You going to live in Ireland and be like the Irish wilf ?
  14. Do you fish then camp , eat pig ,drink ? Or camp the sat to fish Sunday ?
  15. Can your mate get me some cheap sheets ?
  16. I can't see owt , and fed up of looking
  17. Give her the books , tell her est values , then she can weigh in if needed or save them for when she feels the need , if ever
  18. yorkshire


    Googled it , means unwanted white faced fckwit .....
  19. yorkshire


    What do the locals call the immigrant English that land on their doorstep ?? Sunmigrants ?? Always wondered ..
  20. yorkshire


    Not many "pakis" fair comment .. But full of Indians and eastern Europeans , them Indians want every hour going as well ..
  21. Remember periodic table ? I can honestly say I've never seen one at school , I must have been off that day ... I doubt the teachers had either .. Ignorance was top subject back in the ,s
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