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Everything posted by yorkshire

  1. Because they are hypocrites , much like one type of hunter decrying another . same shit different scenario
  2. Nar we have no axe to grind with west ham , Just as sure as sure can be they don't give a Flying about us . Just so you don't feel left out
  3. You can't see it catching on then lol Definitely a hammer lol
  4. You want to put kids in school 9 hours a day ? So parents can work more ? ..
  5. Quoting the bible is not helpful , I can read ... Some of it is clear as mud to me.
  6. I don't get the answer ? Was jesus actually god in the flesh or gods son . excuse my ignorance ..
  7. Was Jesus son of god or was he god in the flesh ? Was Jesus the only one in the bible , old or new to be born by the "miraculous conception" ?
  8. Unberfuckinglievable , you don't work and get rewarded with more free child care than someone that works ...if it benefits the children then give them all the same free hours , regardless of income ..
  9. I drive country roads A LOT .. Just chill out and sit a few yards back , don't try and get past just follow , they soon pull over .
  10. I freeze , defrost , feed .. No need to cook ... Always found lamb great for growing pups ...
  11. everything is traceable from the farm to where we dispose of it , if you want to feed knackermeat to the mutts it can be done legally , you will prob need a waste carriers licence to fetch it, an enclosed feed area and separate storage , and means of disposal (bones ect ...back to knackerman) , the meat will be stained and the SRM must also be stained . if you got a good kennel set up its worth speaking to the ministry , 1st call is knackerman ... You will also get random visits from ministry if you register your kennels to feed flesh
  12. The spread of crack and heroin in the ,s coincided with the thin end of the wedge of inner city shit holes being created by Jonny foreigner.... And for some reason been encouraged by every government since .....
  13. The only way to safely walk the inner city slums of this country is if you are... Buying narcotics or bumming a crackbag whore . Infact I cannot see why anyone of reasonable intelligence would consider taking a leisurely stroll around those shitholes ..
  14. Read that link and can't see the relevance ? Can someone enlighten me ...
  15. as a Yorkshire and Englishman , if I want , or dont want independence from Scotland !!! When is it my turn to vote ?
  16. Try "Grimsby sea fishing" on Facebook , them boys will tell you where you can fish for cod side of your car around the humber .
  17. Do you get out that way much skinner ?
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