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Everything posted by yorkshire

  1. Off or of ? Off is good ,, of is not so good ???
  2. Your only asking cos you can't nick them ...scouser
  3. I worked hard and bought houses to rent out. This is a more secure form of investment than putting into someone else's business. I haven't pissed my money up the wall or spent it on high living/holidays abroad. Why should I be penalised for this? You shouldnt be , surely you have already paid tax when you 1st earned the money !! Now you get hammered again because your willing to try .. If they increase tax , the rents will increase even more . tax tax and more tax is not the way to go . wearing a smile is
  4. Rotherham itself is reason enough to stem the flow of foreign shite ..
  5. The European Union is an economic and political partnership involving 28 European countries. It began after World War Two to foster economic co-operation, with the idea that countries which trade together are more likely to avoid going to war with each other. Yep that's the BBC lol ,
  6. My vote will be out , but will be based on my dislike of foreigner's coming here blah blah blah , you all know the score . but will it really make any difference with the current breed of politicians we have anyway ? And if it doesn't make any difference financially ,,what's the point ??
  7. What do we gain by out ? We are still governed by the same bellends that got voted in here, will it change anything other than 1 less scapegoat to use ?? Everyone else sits around the table , nods , agrees to everything then go,s away and carry's on regardless ...
  8. The bookies are giving ..In 2/5 ..... Out 7/4 ... That would take a big swing to be out .
  9. In / out ? Before we get pushed , poked and threatened by our chosen politicians , what will the folk of hunting life be voting . got to be more to it than just closing the borders to shit ?????
  10. 2 mins ...tantric Arabs !!!!-. Gives rest of us a bad name .
  11. Get plenty of sun , a nice shade of brown and you should fit in any city when you get back lol
  12. Beef Wellington , from aldi , very nice after a gallon in the local . I even bumped into local hunt on way down to pub and had all the riding girlies in and out of pub using the piss house lol . as my mate in the pub said "only here (UK) can a woman in full hunting attire call in pub to use toilet and nobody look twice lol"
  13. Rip Jimmy hill , another character from childhood gone ..
  14. Undefendable and surely un voteable
  15. yorkshire

    Cheap Food

    Would think the church have a acre or two ! ..Yes church has plenty anything called glebe is or was church owned , they do sell some. forestry , m.o.d , national trust and crown (different to the queens personal estate) , James dyson the hover man owns more land than the queen !!!! Big companies invest in land/farming , home and abroad . wealthy , educated and hard working . the large land owners run the show , the smaller ones aspire too. They are all farmers .
  16. What a talented family , you should be very proud of each other ...
  17. yorkshire

    Cheap Food

    I was always under the impression it was Prince Charles ?May be I should have said the crown , not the queen , forestry commission is a government department so not sure how that fits with ownership .
  18. yorkshire

    Cheap Food

    I would guess most big company owners are also landowners / farmers ,for financial reasons one of them no inheritance tax on land , no matter how much of it you got . the country is is run by the landed . yes the ones at the bottom will be squeezed by the ones at the top . but farming is the biggest self regulated operation their is . the mind boggles at some of the freebies the large land owners give themselves out of taxes lol but are quick enough to pull the rug when Joe pubic gets a sniff . the landed / farm owners run the country , make the rules and the 1st thing their money buys is the
  19. Looks a great place to be in summer , dont know of any like that around this coast , although I've only ever been to skeggy
  20. Have you been to turkey with England ? I know a few that rarely miss a England game but took the fa advice and missed turkey a few year ago , although they could have organised tickets if I remember correctly
  21. Very probably utter nonsense , unfortunately
  22. yorkshire


    Police lol ....I wouldn't believe a single word a single copper ever said ...lol police
  23. Market rasen in Lincolnshire , its all new to me ,rugby, but great to see kids out in mud enjoying themselves lol
  24. Into it now , little UN's in next week lol , she won't be left out of anything
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