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Everything posted by yorkshire

  1. Obviously England for me .... Every football fan should do at least one of these tournaments while young enough. Had some great times with mates , never actually managed to get into a match lol , nearest I got was charleroi when we beat Germany . I got locked up , ended up in court and had to get home with no passport or ferry tickets lol . I still managed to get home a day earlier than my mate who,s car we took. Went to Portugal and watched the games in bars in town .
  2. I hope its hull and Millwall , no doubt Wendy and dingle's will be having a little London love in .. A Wendy win could be good for the city though , it always brings the best out in us and helps to make the next generation of blades as bitter as us old ones ...lol
  3. Wtf is pie and liquor by the way ?
  4. I'm going to vote for a bloke that goes in the local , he gives me a lift home when I'm hammered . and yes I am that shallow.
  5. I went yesterday and I like to watch the needle go in , it was no pain at all , if I had been looking the other way I wouldn't have known
  6. Anyone used this rubber sheet stuff ? Is it easy to install , look good ?
  7. Can you only give 15 ? I've just started giving again , tomorrow will be my 3rd this time
  8. It may be the ones telling the tale that are a little jealous . start charging the lad and say no more . let them play games with some one else ...
  9. Without genocide , what is a realistic solution ?
  10. They said he could be being groomed by the edl , how the fnck have they managed to turn that on its head lol.
  11. Bread cake . not a tea cake or teya cake that has currents in it . Path int wood Jennel / jitty / alley Pork pie (worked in Wakefield and butchers sold them hot , very nice if you get chance to try it)
  12. roy shaw beat lenny in his first fight and lenny was much bigger than roy shaw and quite a lot younger than him He beat him yes , but that's not the fight I mean , the Shaw fight that Lenny win is a fantastic watch , hits Shaw 30 odd times on the button like a madman , but Shaw still wants to fight , his head won't let him be beat but his body needs out ..
  13. No , I can honestly say I've never ever bloody evey seen anyone from the manor push a wheel barrow squeaky or not ..
  14. That Shaw fight where he bangs him non stop is amazing , how could you stop a man like that (with your bare hands) . trouble with fellas like Lenny is when they get pissed off and lose it they nearly kill some poor soul , not like a thick ear that you can apologise next day . I would like to hear gnashers take on him if he knew him ? To be a top dog in that era and area must have taken some holding down ..
  15. A mate of mine that ran at a decent schoolboy standard saw ray training a few week ago , he expected him to be shuffling along but said the old boy had a good pace and looked strong . I really hope he gets this ... (Its the wife's uncle)
  16. Deep south snort beast , you know why they put Jesus on the cross ???? No room on the manor
  17. Born and bred Sheffield , but thankfully none of them places you mention snort beast , worked on all them council estates though , you forgot to mention firth park ..
  18. Sheffield council have always had a sense of humour , get as many people from waring nations as possible and make them live in one block of flats lol , any spare rooms and put a few lawless Somalians in . fantastic ...
  19. http://www.rwrr.co.uk/Mission.html Is this possible ?? Let's hope he can and raise the 75k for the kids
  20. And no women will be harmed after or during the singing of it Are sheep safe ?
  21. You won't need to .. Someone else will lol
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