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Everything posted by spiderfly

  1. How do you know it's not an anti , sure look a the Doc made about the Garda in Ireland diggin they didnt expect to get caught the way they did , lik I'm not doubting this man but just be careful , go for a dig next day all you dogs gone , off on a boat :/ I wouldn't do it anyway !
  2. Who was the head of the antis?
  3. Cheers , is there really more antis than hunters:/
  4. Does the ban only apply england and wales?
  5. Heads up , be careful who you drag around, we don't want a film made on diggin in Ireland :/
  6. I know this is a touchy subject with people but will the ban ever be lifted? As I have been offered a contract to go work in England for 4 months of the year turned it down because of the ban but my family think I'm stupid but it will 2 months of the winter months and 2 summer months and I ain't missing out on lampin foxes and I surely wouldn't break the law and risk losing my job ! I'm not asking anyone to post /f*ck the ban/ that's your choice but don't give the antis the fuel to keep the fire burning! Just wondering will the government ever lift it surely the country is down money in all an
  7. 12 months on the lamp 3 or 4 runs a night, easy ones if you can short slips ! Keep it fit , plenty of run walking , get your permission , walk it during the day , and get out and you'll learn and so will the dog ;)atb
  8. Get a picture up :)They will enter on quarry very young, but hold them back till about 16-18 months, they mature fast, like every pup make sure its fully stock trainned before taking it out for a hunt:) they tend to hunt up so recall must be good as they are a terrier breed,,, they must be keep extra fit or else they will have no stamia as stamia isnt a strong point in the bullx they over heat, prey drive is brillant and brains are ok depending on the dog of course but build a good bond with it and you will never take on any other cross ;)they have balls of steel on quarry. atb with him
  9. 250 no papers , not a worker, ha thats a bit of a shit deal
  10. 2 adds above one wants a bull x and the other wants a terrier so that's sorted
  11. What country you in oz? well done looks lik a good day
  12. Interesting that this has happened other dogs , the fu*ker was just too smart , too much too young isn't a good idea for any dog though !
  13. There is alot of topics up now ``NEW PUP`` I know how it feels, the trainning , then it comes time to work em but dont make the same mistake i did, The story begins with a new 12 week old pup called Blue a deerhound x greyhound 2nd generation 1/2 breed..turned in a strong 26inc broken coated blue dog I was 15 years old and it was my first lurcher, had no one to show me the lurcher world only a book, my father only keep springers. So the trainning went smooth, sit & stay, retrieving land and water better than any springer lol. recall 100% .jumping anything you tell him! All this was
  14. Sure how do we know there not the best ???
  15. Last pup is my pick of the litter like the site and his a nice dog
  16. Let it be a football or a bottle of coke or some household item like a brush but that info will only be released on the day the comp starts looks like it will take off , I just like the idea of seeing the dogs and their breeding also and for anyone who said it won't work we won't know until we try , as for people cheating with loads of dogs or a gun then at the end if the day they have done nothing for themselves , it's all about one man and his dog!(bit of crack)
  17. With good reports so far it looks like it might go ahead some time in the season so get the dogs fit and permission lined up
  18. sure if they want to do that then there the bigger fools to be honest cause the prize is pride and they have nothing if thats the case
  19. Very good who was the winner:) i know that but how can you lie in this comp to be fair ? it proves nothing atal to be honest just some thing to do and would get some lazy keyboard hunters out
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