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About sparko

  • Rank
    Rookie Hunter
  • Birthday 18/04/1960

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Polden Hills Somerset
  1. I went to frampton today really to see Brian Brinded and his longnetting and the punt gun display...Brian was good, food was good but as usual for this kind of thing expensive...What struck me was the minimal organisation, the army kids were running the car park and once In it was ok, but getting away at 5.00 ish was a kin nightmare! took us hour and a quarter to get back to the A38....Seems like they had our money to get In and all very nice but couldnt give a feck how you got out
  2. Yep thats the way, Its never bothered me either...The only downside Is that Its mainly hedgerows on my ground and the growth is so thick and grass so long that its a daunting task...Thats why i was pleased to find these two burys clear In the woods...I`ll give them a run out this weekend....Cheers
  3. I was In the woods last week counting deer and found a couple of warrens that have little growth around them so am thinking of giving my girls a run out at the weekend, I just wondered If anyone else Is ferreting at the moment...We finished In early march this year and its a long wait for them before winter comes...
  4. Great stuff!...Thats the way to learn, finding someone that has done it for years with tricks handed down, apply the techniques and pass them on yourself when the time Is right, that way It will never die...Good on you and the guy who taught you.
  5. ....Reversing out of the burrow hanging on to the eye socket seems to be a speciality of my two jills, for one they are just not strong enough to kill underground,so anything that holds up gets a dragging...Its great to see and funny but bloody hell It must be horrible!
  6. nice one mate, i had though about it but thought they might tangle up a bit were they all bundled up with elastic bands or just thrown in ? i have been out a couple of times so far just small sets. the tally sits at 8/10. chris was on about starting at the half term i think. atb Rob Hi Rob, they were just loose with the pegs attatched...Really, really bad Idea!...anyway ready to go tomorrow, just to give them a run out..Is that bolted 10 netted 8?...Round here its been a bit quiet rabbitwise, have to see how it goes...Hope Its drier than last year. Cheers...Mark
  7. ..Aye your right there!...To be honest i had forgotten about these, all the others are hung up In the loft...Have a good season all
  8. Getting my stuff ready for an outing tomorrow morning, as I have found some burys without too much growth around them...I dug out some spare nets that have been bundled up since february, and still full of dried mud ....so undid them all 20 or so and threw them In the washing machine on a quick wash...20 minutes later tokk them out nice and clean...And spent the next 3 hours untangling the b*****ds...Still Its done now, just need to check the batteries and we are ready to go...Dont make the same mistake...Cheers
  9. Just wondered what you fellas do between Feb and October when the outings stop (I know some people ferret later and start earlier) I take mine out and just have them running through flexi tubes and let them mooch about, rather than keep them In the cage/run, gives them a change...Cheers
  10. I wonder If having her spayed would help?
  11. Just as an update to this, this ere dominant jill Is becoming uncontrollabe, cant get near the food bowl to fill it up as she is straight onto me, and means it...She had me 4 times today In about 35 secs...when i do get food in the bowl she takes it into the sleeping area then comes and drags her sister In to feed, I tell you it painful to see...Then she stands there shaking and defending the entrance to her sleeping area....As I have said before, this has only happened since having the jill jab...Has anyone come across this? as Its becoming too much of a problem to put up withand i could do w
  12. Thanks for that lads, Its been a week since I asked the question, and they seem to have settled down a bit...I have been keeping an eye on them and there Is no damage to either, must say they are getting a bit nippier, even though they are handled every day..Cheers...Sparko
  13. Hi, I have 2 jills, 2 sisters just a year old now...Had them jabbed about 6 weeks ago, I have noticed that one Is becoming more dominant than the other, as In wanting and taking food / water first....tonight I went to feed them and the dominant one was dragging the other round the cage by the ear, she wasnt screaming or anything, just became really submissive...Should I seperate them for a bit or just leave them to sort It out?...Thanks...Sparko
  14. ...........£12.26...................
  15. Hi, took my two jills to the vets yesterday, as they came In season probably 2 weeks ago, we had been asking around various vets practices for advice and prices...Anyway we came across this small Vets In Highbridge Somerset http://www.isomerset.co.uk/profile/456985/Highbridge/Bridge-Veterinary-Surgery/ The owners are very ferret freindly and have 9 ready for rehoming, neutered and microchipped, they took us Into the area where they are kept and what a set up! Anyway 2 jabs, plenty of advice and people who understand, so if anyone local Is In need of jabs these are the people...Oh!.
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