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Everything posted by sadmadbad

  1. 1; THE facts are I brought Ruby up to Scotland to Work as I was short of a terrier . 2 Ruby has some of my breeding in her background is undershot in mouth and movement was not what I thought good enough to breed with from day one . 3 Angus grandfather on dam side was also undershot .4 yes I was going too shoot her which I wish I had done now but you asked me for her too bring on Douglas and help you out I said at the time take her which you did in Jan2019 and you were happy with the way she worked I said at the time dont breed off her which you agreed too verbally Trust and friendship now g
  2. RUBY was giving to you on the condition she was not bred with so WHY ??????
  3. I have heard that no parking on field please confirm??
  4. Agree with traffic situation sat for 1hr only to watch cars trying to get ahead by q jumping poor exit methods and organisation of traffic ?????????????
  5. I agree with this as for pups I judged at show and they called in Terrier pups and when asked the age I was told 14mths so I explained they were not pups any more and entered in wrong class asked to leave as I would not place them in puppy class kicked up a fuss but were not placed in wrong class owners must be honest ???????? Help we do not live in perfect world so use ur discretion
  6. As a previous secretary of this show always made sure judges were aware of the importance off neutrality when judging this show ?. It is a working terrier type show not a breed club show ,and as numbers have fallen maybe the show should have one competent judge up to 150 terrier entries then two judges if this number is exceeded ?. Cancel Crossbred class as it is a working type show and maybe more working terrier exhibitors will attend in the future and return this show to its rightful place when it was a honour to be asked to judge and win the GYS only a suggestion but we all remember the
  7. As stated earlier racing equipment will be there Del will be looking for help to run the racing thanks
  8. You mean pmsl and end crusts Aye once a Fifer always a Fifer bring a chair that wont split lol
  9. Yes second left just before zebra crossing then up the hill till first left then farm on right
  10. Just to put ur mind at rest I am not judging The judges keep Colours now after one started with Russells as running the show I have never shown at a show I run to busy running it smoothly I hope and on time Might of been worth going to see you judging again. LOL Can still bend a terrier under 12 nae probs esp if his name is jet lol Jet never forgave you aye dont I now it he was scarred for life
  11. Just to put ur mind at rest I am not judging The judges keep Colours now after one started with Russells as running the show I have never shown at a show I run to busy running it smoothly I hope and on time Might of been worth going to see you judging again. LOL Can still bend a terrier under 12 nae probs esp if his name is jet lol
  12. Food is being provide by outside caterers as they have a good reputation
  13. Just to put ur mind at rest I am not judging The judges keep Colours now after one started with Russells as running the show I have never shown at a show I run to busy running it smoothly I hope and on time
  14. Spoke with Derrick D he is prepared to bring his racing equip to show but looking for help would all Trophy winners please return the trophies from Fife Foxhounds many thanks
  15. This show is a qualifier for Countrymans Weekly Champions of Champions (T&L) Also Cock of North (L&T) and N.W.T.F 2015 as this show classes this year with 2014 championship
  16. Do not have the equipment at moment but I am sure if ur willing to run racing at end of show should be able to sort prizes
  17. Fife Foxhounds Terriershow.doc The Fife Foxhounds are HOLDING THERE ANNUAL Terrier and Lurcher show on Sunday 22nd June at the Kennels Harleswynd nr Ceres Fife KY15 5LB SHOW opens at 12.00 judging 1pm .Would all trophy winners please return said trophies on day many thanks Any further info tel 07863295667
  18. The Berwickshire Hunt are holding there annual show on Sunday 11th of May at Marigold Duns TD11 3RJ 12 start Fun and classes for all the Family Catering and Bar £1 Entry Terrier, Lurcher,Gundog, Bulldog show, Novelty Classes and Racing tel Kirsty 07526492664 or Amy 07712397583
  19. Nope i was the one that fell threw the deck chair at the Jack Russell national show at Towchester? In front of G Mousley ,E Chapman , C Sibeck Let the fact be known the chair split in two whilst you were sitting on it much to all amusement present to much to drink and laws off physics/gravity I can still hear ur wife laughing Trust you to come out the woodwork I can still go to shows with that thought in my mind also pulling interior roof down in a pug309 coming back from GYS good times
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