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Bunny Digger

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Everything posted by Bunny Digger

  1. When you cut the leg and pass the 2nd leg through. Take the 2nd leg around the first then come through from the outside if that makes sence, I then makes the arse end look fatter and better for selling
  2. No not at all, After reading mad4it thread above I think I could make my own in no time at all Its a piece of p--s, Its money for old rope Cheers
  3. Well Lads Catty Arrived this morning, ( What can I say )
  4. You can buy 200 snares for the price of 1 cage trap its a no brainer.
  5. Still waiting for Glens. Is it still possible does any one know
  6. Sent my money on 13 Nov, Nothing yet he is very reluctent to answer emails because he as no time he is playing facebook.He could not run a Bath never mind a business.
  7. John as made conntact with me today and is going to sort me out asap,
  8. Its been on order since Nov , I had email to say ready 29th Dec since then nothing
  9. Can any one give me a phone No of gamekeeper John as my catapult shoud have arrived in Dec I have sent various emails but no reply is forthcomming . Cheers
  10. When i tried to order you have to have a minimum order of 50 e plus £20 p&p did you find this also, Cheers Grant
  11. Hi I will take one if you do some more after crimbo
  12. I only set a couple yesterday and had this idea of the laylandii. The set looked good with a carpet of green over it so that's why asked the question, But I shall certainly take you advice and cover with wire. Cheers
  13. I just nail several of them to the tree above the trap by there thick stem and let them drape over the trap (trap cannot be seen ) squirrel's are then inquisitive
  14. Thanks Eddie B for your input, Is covering the trap with say Laylandii branches or similar class as a tunnel
  15. Hi folks what are the various ways of setting BG on trees for squirrels as the quick clip seems not to be strong enough to hold a B116
  16. Let us all see you trigger set up please Grant
  17. The trap in the cage is it hooked at the bottom same as the top cant se from the picture cheers
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