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Everything posted by karl_20

  1. just wondering how you got into falconry? as ive always been interested in pob and always known people who have had them since i was a kid, just wonderd how you started? and with what bird? cheers karl
  2. [bANNED TEXT] cause mine is 6 month and she still got her puppy teeth, karl
  3. karl_20


    yep we haave one round here i once sore it on a pigeon although i dont know whether it killed it or not . . . . its great to watch, i also saw it dive at something on the floor must have been a mouse but it missed, it was only about 20 yards infront of me it stayed on the floor for a few seconds then shot off, also noticed a increase in owls and buzzards, plenty of barn owls and there are some other owls not sure of the breed but they are nesting in the trees not far from my house, cheers karl
  4. karl_20


    the last few times ive been out walking the dog ive seen a kestrel over the fields and it appears to be taking little birds from the trees, just wonderd if this was common as i thought they mainly took mice and small rodents etc, cheers karl
  5. karl_20


    hi im interested in falconry and i was wondering where can i find a mentor? as i want to learn everything about the birds and get out with them before i even think about owning one, cheers karl
  6. hi i have a 6 month old beddy whippet and i was wondering at what ages do bitches normally have there first season? i know it can varey but looking for a rough age. also wondering atwhat age puppys normally lose there puppy teeth ? cheers karl
  7. karl_20


    hi just wondering how do i set a picture to come up on the left under my name on a topic ?? cheers karl
  8. i started fishing when i was a kid with a few mates, got an air gun when i was 13 a 177 gamo cadet off my grandad lol, then went out with a mate and his lurcher and then moved on to ferreting shotguns and everything else, would like a harris hawk but need a mentor, cheers karl
  9. after 2 long walks and a jog to the shop i think she might be tired out for the day,
  10. great looking dogs and a great read, looks like we all have a couple of little roblems but they are great dogs, cheers karl
  11. just another pic, tried getting some action shots of her jumping but my phones is crap lol
  12. mines well alert, i had to call her back across the fields near me because she went on a run to see a jogger that me and my mate cudnt see lol, if she sees anything move she wants to chace it no matter what it is, which aint really that much fun when there are horses all over round here, karl
  13. I can't fault him when we are out walking, he never wanders far anyway but always comes when called, even if playing with other dogs, HOWEVER he sometimes decides to just sit down and look at me like i am crazy when i call him in from the garden VERY annoying!! i can tell him to sit and he either does it beautifully or he just completly ignores me, as for doing anything on command for anyone else...............forget it!! not a chance in hell, they do need a firm owner, i live in a 'up its own arse area' so am waiting for someone to have a go at me when i am being firm with him, all good fun
  14. she is really stubbern, getting there now tho her recall is getting much better, she sits when told and has started retriveing 8 out of 10, just keeping at it, karl
  15. cute little pup that mate
  16. just a couple of pics of my beddy whippet 6 month old and about 18 tts, let me know what you think
  17. just wondering if anyone had seen these on youtube? and wat do you think ? karl
  18. probably spliting up as i just realised its on saturday and i have got her fuk all and had made plans to go town with the lads, ooops
  19. karl_20

    nob heads

    cheers people, think some people on here seem to forget that everyone has to start somewhere and instead of making silly comments they shoul just help others and give there advice as we dont want to lose the sport and want people and there dogs to be safe, cheers karl
  20. karl_20

    nob heads

    you try getting a bit of advice and just get bad comments, doesnt really bother me but it seems to me on every post and some people on here are young lads just getting into the sports, we should be helping not given wise remarks, cheers karl
  21. karl_20

    nob heads

    whats the problem with some people on this site? you try to ask a normal question and % of the replys are of people trying to be smart, just wonderd wat it is that some people have going thru there heads, instead of helpin someone out people like to give abuse or slag people off, karl
  22. not entirly true there are a few people on the net, mainly breeders with dogs that almost every1 has heard of
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