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Everything posted by karl_20

  1. R.I.P troy me and bess are going to miss ya pal
  2. why no just let it sleep in your bed you sleep outside ............mind they like breakfast in bed mate...lol feckin hot water bottle???????? its 13 week old mate wat wud u do throw it in the garden and leave it ? if so y own a dog? if it was with the other pups or with the mother it wud be gettin warmth, its a well known fact that a hot water bottle in the dogs bed works, so dont be a dik ay?
  3. put a hot water bottle in its bed with a few blankets and o clock that ticks rapped up in 1 of them or in a teddy that way it thinks its near another dog and it will sleep
  4. are these call boxes really and good ?? i lamped 3 foxes the other night an cudnt get them to come anywhere near, i tired squeeking them with my hand and got no where, so my mate tried his fox call and still nothing so he tried a digital 1 on his phone and the fox still didnt move, just stood looking at us from where it was then f**ked off as we got a little closer
  5. think i need to go out round some of these places where people say they have had 100 in a night, if i go out round here on the lamp i wudnt see 100 rabbits in a night never mind catch 100 round here were not hittin 10 runs a night, just my opinion but i dont think theres a dog that cud hack 100 rabbits in a night, even if it was to catch every run the dog wud be f**ked, cheers karl
  6. this has happend to me a couple of times now andits really winding me up, i had it with 2 staffs the other week managed to get my dog and picked her up and they ran off which was lucky but had another dog walk past on a lead growling and the bloke said it doesnt like other dogs but it then managed to slip off and bite my dog, managed to get hold of my dog again put her under my arm and gave the dog a big f***ing kick with my steal toe caps on then it ran off, the owner looked discustd but should have contorll of his dog, cheers karl
  7. dolphins arnt the only ones, there is a breed of monkey that do aswell and they also have sex on greeting each other lol dont ask how i know just that crap on tv when u get back from lamping, karl
  8. tell em fuk off mate, just wate till your trying to pull the ladys now thats hard work when they find out u like killing and eating things, karl
  9. bedlington whippet all the wat mate if its just the bunnies ur after
  10. cracking looking dog mate, atb for this season, karl
  11. can i ask why it has to be a broken coated dog ? i bought a beddy x whippet last yr shes coming on well and she was the only 1 in her litter that was smooth coated, cracking little dog cheers karl
  12. just wondering wat ground you lot are running on think im challenging my dog too much imm runnin her on afew football bitchs that are very flat and shot whick makes for quick rabbits, think maybe this is why she hasnt caught yet as she is a very quick dog, she turned 1 4 times the other morning but didnt catch, ut they are also very short runs, cheers karl
  13. hi just wondering how people are getting on with there pups there runnin this season? my beddy x whippet is now about 11 month old and had her first corse this morning, she didnt catch it but atleast she knows whats shes up against, didnt go for the rabbits was just having a walk but was too good to pass up on. just wonderd if anyone elses dogs have had any luck yet?? cheers karl
  14. cheers lads decided on a harris with it being my first bird and all, just gotta get everything set up now cheers karl
  15. thanks mate, is it true that a redtail has one of the most powerful grips out of all bop ? karl
  16. cheers martin my friend currently flys a harris so i was think more towards one but i was told they wernt the best on squirral, but if they will do the job and i can also fly with my mates harris then sounds like the bird for me cheers karl
  17. 50 bag accuracy = % time = 129 second go
  18. hi people i have now decided to get a bird and before you start i have thought long and hard, and i have also found someone who will help me along the way, the thing is i cant decide between the harris and the redtail?? my mate who i will be flying with has had both and said the redtail was by far the more powerful bird and much better on squirrals, i want the bird mainly for rabbit but i would also like a bird than wont struggle on squirral, what is you oppinion? cheers karl
  19. hi Karl ,were abouts in Lancs are you as we could have a day out next season ...John hi john im from leyland not too far from preston, cheers karl
  20. hi mate i would stay away from the 400's and 250's and big bikes as when you pass ur test at 17 u are restricted to 33 bhp, but there is a bike which is 35 bhp and u dont need to restrict it, it is a cagiva mito 125cc my mate had one and it was a belting bike and it was very quick, if i was lookin for a first bike it would defo be one of them, cheers karl
  21. karl_20

    sparrow hawk

    thought this was unusual, i suppose birds will take anything if there hungry enough, does anyone on here fly a sparrow hawk ? karl
  22. karl_20

    sparrow hawk

    i was out recently with a mate and the dogs after afew bunnies when we saw a sparoow hawk go to take a rabbit but it pulled out at the last minute as the dog ran at the same one, is in common for these birds to hunt rabbits as i thought the wne t mainly for smaller pray? cheers karl
  23. thanks for the reply mate, a mate of mine is takin me out at the weekend with his female harris hawk after some rabbits, ive only ever seen birds being trained since i was a kid my mates had them but this is the first time i will see one hunt, cheers karl
  24. hi mate i use rws super h points there quite a heavy pelt and seem to do the job for me, i did a clean head shot on a rabbit at around 35-40 yard and dropped it on the spot, i used to use pointed pellets but i found they just arnt accurate enough, cheers karl
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