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Everything posted by coldweld

  1. The answer i'm affraid is YES you could lose your FAC. Hope you don't ! But BASC might not help as if you read the small print your insurance do's NOT cover you for illegal acts. They should still advise you but i think you will have to pay for private legal assistance. Atb Coldweld
  2. Right Jodi Where abouts in the country are you ? Someone local might be able to help who is Not trying to make you wallet lighter. I have a S&B variable and new now would cost over £1800 its very nice BUT its on a target rifle and rarely gets wound above x9, Its to fine for low light shooting. When shooting Deer you will mostly be shooting at less than 150m dawn and dusk, fox mostly less than 300m so as most have said fixed is more than you will need. I have two S&B 8x56 and they are very good . Shot a crow at over 300m last night with my .17 fireball and a fox cub at last lig
  3. Jodi what are you shooting at 300m deer or fox ?
  4. Save your cash and buy a fixed 8 x 56 or 8 x 50. I have a S&B 4-16 x 50 and it is usually set on x8-10 on a target/stalking rifle on my two fox rifles i have 8 x 56 S&B's on my main stalking rifle i have a swarovski 8 x 50 Would i buy another £ 1500 variable ? proberbly not the only time i use high mag is to check 100m targets
  5. No . As long as its it knakered they give you the discount. They ask for a phoyo copy of your ticket.
  6. Mark i not having a go. The person at Defra is not who will enforce the law the plod or RSPCA will. I have read your post and was tring to point out IF you tried to feed the deer to a spot to shoot it ( safely or not ) you could be accused, with little defence that you were guilty of attracting deer that were not doing damage. But were attracted buy your bait. At the end of the day you will make your choice and that is up to you. But you did ask what could be the pitfalls. ATB Coldweld
  7. That person is wrong . Muntjack are called a pest by forresters. BUT are classed as Deer in Law and are covered by the Deer Act. If you are baiting then your claim of Damage is rocky to say the least as you are attracting them to your land. Even if it is for a safer shot . Remember the law in the UK is Black or white . If you are not obeying the law you are breacking the law . Only politicians and Very rich folk are allowed to bend the law.
  8. Mark you don't have to shout. Only being Devils advocate, high seat makes a lot of difference as the deer would have to be along way out for your shot not to ground. Do you reload ? Why not use the fastest lightest bullet for your 270 that way you will get a explosive round that will dissapate most of its energy and break up in the rib cage and less chance of bullet exiting. I hate to shoot deer and waste meat would rather it walk than waste it. Any mates got a .223 ? Why not as your FLO for his advice ? covers your back.
  9. For F*** sake don't buy a Wildcat ! They are like a drain pipe. Might be strippable but are not the dogs by a long way ! they were a rival to the t8 but better mods are now on the market. Buy a ASE or A-tec send you Knakered T8 back to jackson Rifles and you will get 60% off those two makes of moderators. ATB Coldweld
  10. Put it this way, Do You think You could defend yourself in court for your actions ? You would be sailing close to the wind with the Deer Act, Wildlife Act or would you keep your FAC and SGC if you were charged under Animal cruelty for wounded Deer. If it was me, I would not risk my FAC for another persons garden plants. And from your questions you proberbly feel the same, Drives me Mad when i shoot a Muntjack to find shot gun pellets ot a .22RF bullets in them
  11. No dave shes fine but she thinks she can out run everything and makes to much noise . Mad as a box of frogs !
  12. Marshman thanks for responding. Type of dog is my choice as if the dog is to big it becomes a pain in the ars* to take stalking and would get left at home. and i don't like tekkels ( were they not earth dogs ) i am not tring to change a breed, Just use their ability to use their brains in a different direction. Perhaps i would be easier to understand why my lad is swayed by colour if i said he is only 10 years old. Atb
  13. Please help ! My lad wants his own dog ! I have a ESS and Border bitch and my lad wants a dog, It will come Ratting with the border and if quiet will be trained to track shot Deer. I have narrowed my choice to Lakelands and Patterdales, But he dislikes black dogs so it would have to be a chocalate Patt. Help me make the choice Lakeland or Choc patt . And find one i'm in Nottingham But willing to travel up to 2hrs each way . Splash
  14. Yes it can be reloaded . yes it uses less powder than the .17 rem and .17 fireball Barrel wear ? proberbly less than the rem but about the same as fireball Recoil well all three are not frightening are they. Speed and energy ! Both much lower than the .17 rem and .17 fireball My fireball is pushing a 25gr pill at 3600 with a mild load. Can't comment on any lazer like qualities as not shot the hornet .
  15. Don't belate Redtailhawk ! Shock collars are not all about shocking. They have a buzzer that should the only stimulus used after one or two mild shocks, and beleve me i would not have used a collar without trying the shock on myself. My spaniel used to run in to shot or game if she saw it ! I tried scolding ( voice only ) picking up by the scruff shouting all to no effect , got me to the point of wanting to beat her ( not a route that would have benifited me or her) Took her to a pro trainer and he said straight away get a collar. And i must admit i was not happy about the idea. After the
  16. Tumbler :- drop in 100+ cases switch on and leave hr or so. Ultrasonic :- drop in 25-50 cases leave for a few min, then dry . i have both but use tumbler most. Would not say it is better than ultrasonic just i find it less hassle.
  17. The most effective bullet is the one you can put on target. Your 69gr hpbt will be more than enough. Why work up a new load when you are happy with what you have ?
  18. Both ! As long as you have a valid reason and place to shoot them you should be fine.
  19. Check it out where ? I have fox granted on my .22rf,.17fireball,.22-250,.260 and 7.62. Non say while stalking. So you are saying all but the .22-250 can't be used at night ? Oh and forgot ! The stalkers on here who have shot fallow will not be suprised but the rest might be. On saturday eveining on my way to a high seat i stalked a Muntjack doe that crossed the ride infront of me, but she would not present a good shot, untill she was about 100m away when she put her head around a tree to take a look at me. I was on my sticks and waiting ! Neck shot put her on the ground, sort
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