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Everything posted by coldweld

  1. Free as in not doing much at the moment or Free as in no cash ? For a Good pup or an Good Entered dog that someone has put time and effort in ?? JOG ON
  2. You will proberbly have to travel further ! I had to go to Bradford for mine. Atb Splash (notts)
  3. Good show ! Supprised as it was a bigger show than i expected, good day. will be back next year , Lad pleased with his pups two 3rd places .
  4. If its your first spaniel you don't want to buy one like David has for sale ! Now calm down this is Not an attack on David, As i know the lady who whelps all his pups. FT dogs are wired differently than a normal working/beating spaniel. I thought i was doing well buying a bitch with loads of FTCH and FTW. She is now a great dog, sometimes ! But my friends can't beleve i have managed to get her to work steadily as her prey drive was phenomenal and so was her drive and speed. Buy a pup from a steady working bitch as even that will test your sanity and will. Good luck.
  5. My son say's thanks for all the kind messages ! And thought Alli knew his dogs name, she's called Cracker .
  6. Look at 6x42 S&B You are not going to shoot a HMR further than you can see with It ! And alot cheaper than a 8x56.
  7. Will look tomorrow, Tried more but you only increase by a 1/10 of a grn at a time and accuracy was best in my rifle at 16grn.
  8. My 10 year old wanted to enter his pup in the AV terrier pup class, at South Notts lurcher & Terrier show today. He came third and was so proud of his puppy ! I was proud that he had the confidence to show her with no pressure. I know most on here don't like shows but if it gets him interested in being out with his dog away from PS3 i'm all for it
  9. S&B 8x56, Cases are expensive and hard to get at the moment ( But then so are alot ) But the fireball is easy on cases and i have only thrown one of my original 100 away, and that was due to me not being carefull and crushing the neck in my press. I use 16gr of h4198 and 25gr vmax approx 2900fps in 22" barrel The crow at 500 was my longest not a regular thing, it was a i wonder if i'll hit it shot shot, Most of my crows are 150- 300m and aim dead on and don't allow for windage as not had a problem.
  10. Not used a hornet , but looking at the balistics they are the slowest and shortest range of the c/f's. I have a fireball . longest kill crow over 500m longest fox kill 220m longest rabbit kill 400m average shots 200-300m Would not use one for long range rabbits as even chest shot rabbits at 300m will pull the intestines out of the exit hole. Plus points : Quieter than a .17 rem, less powder burnt and nearly as fast Bad points : Factory ammo expensive, Can be problematic with feeding unless dedicated fireball action, Rifles for sale rarely, Not many
  11. Good day at the show, Thanks for putting it on ! Son entered his pup in the AV terrier pup class and came third ! Made his day and he's so proud of his bitch , Made my day to see his face at getting placed
  12. I have had Hi- ace since 1998 Not the same one ! and yes they are good. But drive like a car. But Toyota have stoped impporting them 2011. So i had to find a new van this year. Transit has all i like in a van and all i hate as well, crap drivers seat. Merc go's like stink , But rusts faster. This left VW expensive but not by much compaired to the other quality vans. I have a 1.9lt 140bhp and it uses less fuel than the 103 bhpToyota, less service times 20,000 as opposed to 12,000. I would not go back to toyota ! we still run one at work but only for the next two years.
  13. It's not the wage that is illegal it's the hrs ! 14 year olds only allowed to work 4 hrs on a saturday 2hrs max on a school day.
  14. By working terrier do you mean hard dogs with scars ? I have a border that comes beating and ratting at the end of the season,also comes lamping and has found and killed the odd lost fox. Not an earth dog but is that not work ? Also have a lakie pup that i intend to use for blood trailing shot deer . Granted they are not used for earth work but earn their board and lodgings.
  15. Borders wood 100 bird sporting clay shoot reopens tomorrow 15/7/12 fortnightly Owethorpe junction of the A46, head towards owethorpe village, shoot signposted . From 10 AM
  16. Are you MAD ??????? You are both looking at a place in in HM hotel posting that on here ! I'd beg a Mod to take the topic off as you are proberbly breaking site rules as well perverting the course of justice, purgery and admitting lying under oath .
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