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Everything posted by coldweld

  1. I'll stick with my .17 Fireball , same noise as the winchester but go's faster, further as accurate but hit's harder
  2. After tax and del you will be looking at about £ 982. for tha American import ( But i don't think the are allowed to export Tactical optics) Big Big fine and loss of liberty
  3. Would not have either !! R.Macleod and son of tain have 3 Swarovski 6-24 x 50's for that price . and when you come to sell you WILL get your money back in full with a Swarovski. As a rule of thumb i look at the Mounts and rings to get an idea of the quality of the scope. Check Vipers Tactical rings £17 each I had better mounts on my BSA Meteor in 1979.
  4. CZ barrel manufacture is copied from Steyr's, so on your logic a Steyr rifles would be better ?
  5. Compaired to when ? Are dogs harder grafting then when brock was legal ? most of todays hard dogs would be dead in there first encounter ! Dogs of yesterday needed Brains not just blind courage.
  6. Watch weight for walking, you wont need a big barrel profile. For car use short barrel 20-22". For a new rifle there's not alot more to add pick what you like/can afford.
  7. Well that lot where helpful ! Tell us some more info. What do you plan on useing it for ? What is your budget Walking or driving when shooting Synthetic stocks need less care than wood New or second hand Hope you buy a winchester 70 as i have a Jewell trigger for one for sale.
  8. There you go listen to someone who has both ! But remember heavy barrels are supposed to be ideal for target work, not always true as the heat of them ruins the image seen through your scope, and are a pain to carry too far, Unless you are doing lots of range work a medium or sporting barrel profile is the way to go
  9. Have Swarovski, Schmidt and bender and a simmonds on my 22rf ! never had a problem with any of them. Used to have a couple of chinese scopes don't any more they either have crap lenses poor low light or wandering zero. Buy a GOOD used euro scope like Charlie Caller said, might seem like alot now but better than missing the deer of a lifetime or the problem fox. I have a S&B with a big dent in the tube and it still holds zero. The old owner was going to bin it . I have used it weekly for the last year
  10. Half stock or full stock (stutzen) caliber and for what use ?
  11. Had a cocker with that years ago, but she was fine. Sorry you lost your pup ! ATB
  12. Was not digging but sat in a duck hide on a slope, i kept slideing down the slope untill i found something to push my foot onto. Two weeks later i was in the same hide and looked at my rest ! F*** me it was a BOMB. Turns out the are was a bomb practice range in the war and it was an inert concrete filled one. Why the farmer told us after i had been kicking it for an hour in the dark .
  13. I have a 10 amp lighter than a 14amp and lasts a night easily
  14. Sounds like the usual too much to young, She thinks she knows it all . She is only doing what you have aked her to do . Stop all hunting and retreveing now, and use heal. sit and stay until she knows YOU are boss, and if she behaves let her hunt, but not too much as as soon as she gets her head down call her back . You should be able to be in a wood full of pheasents and call her to heal and she must remain at heal until told other wise.
  15. Don't get an adjustable, Acme anytime choice of pitch up to you and easy to get a replacement.
  16. Lamp and Debden lipo battery. Cheap NV is crap !
  17. Semi's never jam ! Only uttered by semi owners. The enlightened have bolt action
  18. what is it, and what calibre? As you have read winchester are keeping it a secret till launch.
  19. Winchester are bringing out a new RF in the new year ! Might be what you are looking for, faster than the hmr and cheaper than C/F
  20. The chap you used has packed up ! Ian Bishop at Ockbrook will do it PM me for his number
  21. when i was growing up my momma always said lifes like a box of chocolates Did the local priest come and **** her ? The post was tounge in cheek , Not botherd what sort of terrier she is she's good at the job i ask of her. i've no axe to grind ATB to the lads that like to dig.
  22. My son's Lakie bitch is used as a Deer Dog ! I have to prize her off Deer,Do you think a 12lb dog on a 70lb Fallow is a dog with heart. I have no interest in digging to her as its not my thing( too much effort, with no food value], but she is the great sized dog for the job i want her to do, So i know she an't an earth dog but her sometimes wounded quarry is a lot bigger than fox or rat and puts her life in danger with every wounded fallow or Muntjack, so is she a SUPER sporting terrier ?
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