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Everything posted by coldweld

  1. Why so nasty ? You can remember your first shot with an air rifle 15 years ago. But not a year in the cadets at an unknown army base beginning with 'S' shooting a LSW at 25 m .
  2. What squadron where you in ? How many years were you in the cadets before you became a NCO and what rank did you become ? Where you shooting single shot or full auto ?
  3. Wow you surprise me ! the one and only time you shot a fully Auto rifle and you can't recall when and where you shot ? I can remember my first shots with a LA A1 at Beckingham range in 1978.
  4. Not had two in quick succession? I'm surprised! Never shot a full bore semi have you Mr L ?
  5. Why would you need a small amount of bolt lift ? Mine are dead after the the first shot.
  6. Yes i have one in 22-250 good rifle but needs a new/better trigger to get the best out of it.
  7. Why do you ask ? gone off sheep ?
  8. Another 5% and i catch up with you !
  9. Hi Dave I have a coyote lite. If you want to know anything in particular let me know and i will try to answer you. As jamie says Jewell trigger is a must totally transforms the coyote . Remmi gets nice with the jewell too but the coyote lite has a real good stiff stock better than the crap one on my remmi [ just ordered a £ 350 replacement]
  10. Logic see you still can't let it go can you ? All the look after it and it will look after you !! Look at your own posts about YOUR own semi jamming . And if your bolt action is jamming are you not looking after it ? I have posted that semi autos are fun but would i have one for vermin control then the answer is no, not because of accuracy but noise of recocking after the thing jams. Please do not get on your high horse as apart from boring me it is not needed.
  11. All semis jam ! just when you need it most. Bolt action is the best way to go as every one has said
  12. SIT is the main one . sit before food, sit before fussing. House training is just take the dog out alot and praise when it empty's. Get the pup used to a lead and put the effort in from day one to heal, springers like to pull ! Don't do much for six months let him be a puppy, Keep your cool as much as you can remember he only knows what YOU teach him ! He WILL chew it is your job not to put him in the situation where he can chew your best shoes. Be patient if you rush your training you will have a dog that is unruly, runs in,is not listening to commands and puts you on edg
  13. Deker Before you spend too much, try taking off the recoil pad and make some spacers out of lead roof flashing. Cheap and none damaging to you stock.
  14. Hi Ian It is the easy option but if i were you i would have a left hooker ! You will find a left hander so much easier to operate without thinking. Would you wear shoes that were the wrong size just because you liked them ? Take your time and choose carefully.
  15. i take that you mean 12-15 shots and not 12-1500 ? because that would centainly be pushin out the boat 12-15 shots per case = 100x 15 =1500 shots for £260 of brass is what he means. Although if you are lucky you might get more .
  16. Trg's ok for the field ! Shot a 200 yd muntjack this morning. 7.62x51 Accuracy International AE . Not walking though shot from a highseat.
  17. It's hard getting a grip with your front paws with a lakey on your throat !
  18. Or brains fast water entries look good! But the dangers are sub surface sticks/objects and can end in impalement.
  19. You have made the best choice !
  20. Buy the best you can afford . S&B don't have many scopes better than them !! What mag was the S&B ?
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