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Everything posted by coldweld

  1. Remington model 7 fits the bill apart from the mag is a floor plate.
  2. 36 and 37 fell last night both dogs saw number 38 for a second but it did not fancy hanging around.
  3. Because your shotgun cert is one the thing the vet needs to SEE for legal docking ! Get your head out of your arse ! And grow up as you should have sorted this BEFORE you mated your bitch. I have a friend who's wife whelps all of a large scottish estates gundogs in the midlands. If there was an easy way do you think the estate would move 4-6 bitches a year 600mile round trip for whelping ?
  4. You do know they have to be born in england to be docked don't you ? yes i do.....good job I have 2 addresses.....'s'.... Which address is your SGC at ?
  5. You do know they have to be born in england to be docked don't you ?
  6. Wow! Buy a 10rd mag and you have nearly doubled the value of the rifle !
  7. It must be great to be perfect Liam I'm far off perfect. But am i wrong ?
  8. Why has it got a new bar after less than a weeks work ?
  9. I still don't understand your rant ? Cert for tail [ he has the right to ask as it's a legal document] Chip has to be put in for tail to be legal . Jabs you have no way of knowing the pavo you bought was good ? [ It is for the protection of all dogs yours comes into contact with] The vet has the right to his views and prices. You asked for his services he is not that expensive if you compare plumber call out charges ! If you don't like him use another vet Hagar How can he report the vet to the BVA when he is the one with the illegally docked dog ?
  10. Depends on the shot load ! Range is from 24 gram to 50 gram.
  11. ^^^^^^^^^ Agree with this, been through it a few times, you will soon suss out when it needs to go outside. Both these are correct ! If your husband did some thing wrong at work how would he like some giant coming over and giving him a thrashing. Take the dog out Very frequently and make a big fuss when it do's the biz ! When it makes a mess indoors make sure you clean up well and use some deodorizer as if it can smell the mess it may well use the same spot again. You only get out of a dog what you put in ! Good luck .
  12. Sounds like you have never had a working dog before, So my advice is to get a black lab from working stock . Easy to train and have a steady pace, Watch out for chewing when left alone . P.S i have had 2 ESS and 2 cockers i know the trouble they cause so that is why i advised a lab , now have a ESS and a border terrier[i also used to have lots of HAIR !]
  13. Keep trying . If you want a .17rem go for it ! Loads of folk will tell you they have tried all the rifles on earth but thats usually not true , and then tell you that their choice is the best . Keep asking someone will have one , choice is what keeps the market going. ATB coldweld
  14. I am also more than a little confused about your comment of some .222 not reaching 1000 joule, I'm not aware of any that get that high, (correct me if I'm wrong) most just manage a bit over 1000ft lb! 1000 ft lb is 1355.8 joule
  15. Sorry to burst the bubble but i bought some from the local rfd yesterday £ 235 size 11.
  16. Depends if you are one of the folk who think if you can't strip it it's not so good. IMO i have enough to clean without cleaning a mod as well. My choice would be between Reflex T4 Ase compact
  17. Only someone with little experience would lube inside the neck. Now you have discovered the reason why ! Good luck with your next batch !
  18. A mate of mine is always looking for a muntjac painting has she done one of those ? By the way the hares are great !
  19. Any one got the new highland jacket from musto yet ? My old one is now nearly 15 and starting to go on the collar. Would like to know what anyone who HAS one thinks of it ?
  20. Jamie the mod do not have to be proofed to sell . reflex mods do not have proof marks. A screw cut barrel should have proof marks to sell.
  21. The only full stocked rifle i have had was a SMLE and to be honest i never noticed any poi change. Love the look of the stutzen rifles but the fear changing poi puts me off.
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