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Everything posted by coldweld

  1. I agree that weill's is terrible. But it is quiet hard to get it ! I'm not making light of but just washing after being near water is all you need to do, same go's for the dogs. We all come into contact with rat p*** every week and don't even know, so do not panic !
  2. Just out of interest who else Dare's to stray from the .223/.243/.308, and try something else more exotic ? .260 rem
  3. I upset decker and he got his mates to act big and tough !

    Deleted my posts . lol.

    Merry xmass

  4. Tich, Fenn, Creel, Button, kay, Tay,
  5. Are you talking about snipping it's ears Why do you think castration make a dog listen any better ? or be easier to train. Its a beagle they are all like that
  6. No they are not that bad ! If you have dogs already you will be fine. Watch them with terriers though mine now makes a noise when working rabbit due to my border ! Work on obedience as the hunting and retreive come in the dog , To be steady and return when YOU say has to be taught. It will try you but patience will be rewarded
  7. It's paid we go once a month. But only a few lucky people get to go as the owners don't advertise or want to bother with taking stalkers out. I was lucky to get to go as my two mates i go with have been going to this ground about 12 years,and are trusted to go where they like.
  8. Shave you head !! As you will be pulling your hair out soon !LOL. Take your time ! Let a pup be a pup . Walk to heal,sit and recall ! The most important is Recall. Do not over tire a dog under 12 months, Do not show off with how young your dog started working, as all the rushing usually ends up with a dog that runs in works on its own and ignores it's owners shouts and whistles. Most of all enjoy your new dog and don't be to hard on it or yourself
  9. Vim you will upset the BOY'S with more evidence of deer grassed ! I was at Northampton this morning managed two fallow prickets 87 lb and 93lb . The second was a surprise as it was in a group of 6 very big bucks and looked quite small. I did not take any pics today [still can't get them on here anyway] as snow was 6" deep and it was very cold and crunchy.
  10. Do's your budget include Glass ? Remington make a small light rifle in .260 called the model 7, little brother to the 700. The stock is crap and needs replacing a new trigger helps to so here go's. model 7 new £ 900 stock £ 300-600 jewell trigger £ 250-350 mounts/rings £ 50-100 Swarovski scope £ 500-1500 Moderator/cut £ 300-400 Bipod £ result light rifle that is sub MOA and can be under £ 3000
  11. Well Vim you will be making some folk very upset Shooting BIG deer with an expensive Rig . And to make matters worse You even have photographic Proof And to admit you chest shoot them like the most Real stalkers not the book quoting armchair type who always neck shoot and NEVER have a bad shot, It RAN shock horror !! You must have been rooted with shock. Real stalking !
  12. No you are saying you only deal in FACT , i was asking if you had practical experience of what you were talking about . And the facts are you don't have experience of shooting large deer, or much on the rifles you dismiss . Your only argument seams to be a rifle that can throw out a round at 4000 fps it is king, but you have not done that either [ current rifle or your old one ] My Question is why do you think a light round going at max speed with a max load is the think that makes any one round the best ? And this is supposed to be a debating forum
  13. I never said you were wrong . I said your arguments did not add up. So STICK to the facts ! And calm down why get all hot and bothered , i have not remarked on you marksmanship i just asked about you practical experience with large deer.
  14. So you have not actually drove a fox bullet at 4000 fps or shot a red/sika stag ? Now before you go mad i am just asking . I don't think a fox worries if a 55grn pill hits it with a potential 4000 fps mv or a 100 grn doing 2800 fps mv the end result is the same. What i am saying is that the .243 is a very good vermin round and kills lots of deer .You reasons for it to be better than the .260/.308 as an allround deer fox round do not stack up, as you have not enough practical experience of different rounds or shooting large deer .
  15. Depends on what is in front of the dog ! My springer can be sent into a group of birds grouped together and will stop and return on the whistle ! My border terrier would charge in and try and kill them all and not return untill they had all flushed or she had killed one. And as for rabbits/fox she would chase one to the end of the earth. Love them both but the terrier stays at home when i am beating.
  16. Try this ! rubber gloves on hands,lube fore finger, slip fore finger up dogs arse , anal glands are at 5 & 7 o'clock when looking at dog from behind. Gently work gland between fore finger and thumb, TAKE CARE not to get the fluid on you as it stinks !! Good Luck
  17. Why 10x42 el ? 10 mag makes quite a difference with hand shake . If cash is tight i would go for slc only difference from the el is they are slightly bigger and have a bit more weight,i would also go for 8 mag . Try *-bay world wide , or bird spotting sites. A used pair of 10x42 went for £ 870 in November.
  18. What are you using for 4000 fps ? That will then merrily kill a red/sika stag ?
  19. I fully agree with the shop stocking .260 answer . But fail to see why the .243 is a better all rounder ? could you give the reasons you base the answer on. As for .308 the .260 beats it on every level [ p.s i have both ]
  20. Ok . So do you agree the .260 to be a better deer round due to it's larger range of deer bullets, delivering more ftlb than the .243 with a flatter flight ?
  21. Go to a RFD with a good name who stands firmly behind what he is selling . Ask if he will give you a month sale or return if faulty. I have had a few used rifles and had no problems due to faults/bore , Replaced stocks that were sh*t but that was due to the manufacturer cost cutting and molding chewing gum ! There are dogs out there but this tends to be reflected in the price . remember the old saying buy cheap buy TWICE. BOL
  22. If you can hit the fox with the more loopy trajectories then sure the others will work, they have plenty of energy. But in terms of a useful foxing round, for night work and so on, too much adjustment required. 243 with light bullets wins hands down. In terms of inexperience, I'll admit to red deer, but on foxes and roe, sorry Vim, you're talking rubbish again. Sorry to jump in Mr L but are saying the .260 is loopy ? On my findings a .260 will shoot a 120gr bullet Flatter than a .243 will shoot a 100gr bullet . So therefore is it a better fox/deer rifle than the .243 ?
  23. I take it you don't put 'some ' of your posts in this bracket then ?
  24. Well said Dan ! I have a ESS and fully back you great dogs when you put lots of time and effort in. But a night mare if you give them an inch !
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