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Everything posted by coldweld

  1. Not sure how the basc underwriters would define payment in kind. But the revenue class bed/breakfast meals/drinks as payment. To cover yourself phone BASC first as the cost of a call could save you the chance of aggro later. I know it sounds like i am pouring cold water on your idea's but cover yourself ATB Coldweld
  2. Up to the point where you get paid [ cash or kind ]or the projectile leaves the boundary ! Then your on you own Are you useing RF ? I would trap first then destroy the fox.
  3. Sorry then you can take it somwhere more suitable for destruction . i would use .22rf ! .410 is good but i don't have the use for one,i would kill it one of the farms i shoot on. atb coldweld
  4. Try posting the Home Office firearms Guide to Police 2002 Section 3 page 11/12 where it clearly says Expanding amunition for deer and vermin shooting counts towards TOTAL amunition Or as you shoot more fox;s than the rest of the UK i suppose you are exempt
  5. GLAD I DONT USE ANY OF YOUR RELOADS.......... i think you will find that is for 222 NOT 223 as he has Try Reading HOME OFFICE guide to police 2002 firearms Law Page 11/12 Expanding bullets count towards total ammo count. Murphymax........... here is the proof my friend,so,don't go banging yer head quite so quickly big boy!!! Martin p.s. an apology wouldn't go amiss bud. Apologise for what banging my head Want pictures, HERE YOU GO.....Little Boy You crack on with your method i will do the same with mine, I BANG FOXES GOOD STYLE WITH MY RELO
  6. I was foxing near the flight pond last week ! Two pairs and a single came in and it's not been fed yet .
  7. TIM ! You are in the position to Buy Zeiss and S&b scopes !! Look up www.rmacleod.co.uk they are in scotland but do not let that put you off. They have 6x42 Swarovski for £195 and 6x42 Zeiss for £150 they migh not be new BUT they will be better optically than a chinese scope Retailing at £159 new . ATB Coldweld
  8. BOOM BOOM BOOM everbody go whey ohh !! Well to be fair he did give a disclaimer . And with 1000 sect 5 ammo to hold he must do some shooting .
  9. i have red but use white light all the time.
  10. I've used them about 200, But have gone back to Vmax.
  11. Not much of a comparison Dane As 99.99% of the folk on here have never burnt black powder.
  12. Just scatter on the garden ! It is a very good but expensive fertilizer .
  13. steel 3's cheap but watch your range and teeth !
  14. Fac rifles can be shared BUT have to be on both parties FAC .
  15. And Toyota Brakes don't work..... Lets have a look at the situation...................... The Original Wildcat had a problem. This was resolved several years ago! The Wildcat is completely stripable and every part is available as a spare! The Wildcat is probably the best value for money centrefire mod out there. There are other mods that may have the edge on sound reduction, and in some cases are arguably better built, but do not strip for cleaning and all cost more. The ASE range of Mods are all good on sound reduction but some screw up the balance big time and of cour
  16. Out of curiosity Whats the best way to clean an un-strippable mod. LD You don't need too !
  17. And Toyota Brakes don't work..... Lets have a look at the situation...................... The Original Wildcat had a problem. This was resolved several years ago! The Wildcat is completelty stripable and every part is available as a spare! The Wildcat is probably the best value for money centrefire mod out there. There are other mods that may have the edge on sound reduction, and in some cases are arguably better built, but do not strip for cleaning and all cost more. The ASE range of Mods are all good on sound reduction but some screw up the balance big time and of cou
  18. Some of the early Pred's fell apart and front and internals disapeared down range. No one was hurt but it's a subject that pred owners don't like reminding of when they pull up the T8 . All mods have faults but i fail to understand why building in a potential weakness like customer interfearance [ dissasembly] is a selling point ? Modular yes ! Noise reduction yes ! Weight yes! I have a T8 that sometimes gets a spray of WD40 has been used on two 22-250's fired hundreds of rounds but if i shake it nothing comes out , so what needs cleaning ? I also have a Ase S5 on a 20'' barrel
  19. Just a point that might sway you ! There has bee NO incidents with the ASE throwing it's internal componants down range unlike the Wildcat
  20. I have an ASE in stainless ! It don't come apart for cleaning .
  21. I have two SS barreled rifles never had any problem , why do you need to cammo your barrel ?
  22. I used to use it in .303 and had no complaints
  23. expanding heads go on ticket here.
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