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Everything posted by coldweld

  1. have not got a clue ! read it on bbs airguns and passed it on . sorry

  2. Black cocker found near St Helens ! See BBS airguns [ hope this is not breaking forum rules } But if i had lost one of my dogs i would be frantic !! ATB
  3. I have a badgercourt Line bred ESS and it is far from a stocky bitch [ Very athletic but looks like a sproker ] BUT she is a very good beating dog ! very high prey drive extreamly fast, pushes through the thickest cover and lives to please.
  4. But think how much lewie Walsh makes of their back ! Bet he exploited the thick pair of T**t's and not only financially
  5. I use improved and Quarter ! Try shooting a pair of driven patridges with 1/2 and 3/4 You might hit them but will you be able to eat them ?
  6. If in doubt throw it out ! Stick to that and you won't harm yourself or others. ATB Coldweld
  7. i'll have a look at what i have . Won't be untill sunday though as beating saturday.
  8. Don't waste your money buy steel and shoot sensable ranges .
  9. That will upset all the wildcat owners who go on about stripping and cleaning as the best bit about them !
  10. Calm down ! I was asking about the warm up time, if you can switch off the warm up time i seams strange to have it ? I was not calling the dps !! As i have not used one.
  11. I have a chargemaster it's brill what do you want to know ?
  12. Respect is a personal thing . I try to kill cleanly, Finish off any wounded quickly and either eat it or if vermin dispose of the bodies the deer pit. I can't understand why people feel the need to take pics and then post them ? is that respect or is it boasting ? What would the public think off our Soldiers if they posted pics of the dead people they have shot respectfully posed with a SA80 and a empty case on someones chest . I am not having a pop just my oppinion of respect is different from some others
  13. Speak to mike Jackson at jackson rifles [Reflex t8] importers. You should get a discount on a replacement IF you chose another T8 ! For all the bad press they get, they are still the quietest mod .
  14. Don't use water !! i would use penertating oil put between barrel and mod fill to the top and leave barrel down, for 4-7 days [ in a container of some sort], by then the level should have dropped empty out oil. Then use an OIL filter removal tool [ the belt one ] it add's leverage then it should move . If not BEFORE you damage the mod get to the range and shoot some shots off to heat uo the barrel ! Try the filter tool again. Good Luck
  15. Deker, you _claim_ to be a professional pest controller, I am amazed that this all comes as a shock to you. FEPA is why we are in business, on reflection I'm not shocked. I hold a food hygiene certificate, it means nothing. The reason food produces / retailers need food hygiene certification is to comply with FEPA. Complying with FEPA is my job, if you want an in-depth discussion about the implications of FEPA, I am more than happy. I have sat through hours up on hours of training days to learn how to comply with FEPA and the implications of FEPA on the food industry and contractor to the f
  16. Totally agree Foxdropper and who is behind the push ? The VERY people who are supposed to represent us the shooting public
  17. I don't know when you did yours but it is not the case now. But a candidate has to have done very little revision to get more than ten questions wrong.
  18. Deer Quest out of date ! It can be of use but it do's not give you all the answers , The manual is for that !
  19. Read the manual ,then read it again ,then read it again ! Get the family to ask you the questions over and over again . If you have stalked abit and do your own grallocks you will know alot of the answers already. Learn the safety question and answers of the manual as yoe must answer ALL of these correctly ! And you tend to go blank as you are on a simulated stalk and put to much preasure on your self . But do not worry as the people who run the courses are brilliant . The other questions are 40 correct out of 50 and then 32 correct out of 40 and 14 out of the 20 deer pictures
  20. For what your mate wants any chinese scope will be ok ! I had a simmonds on my 22rf for ages easily shot out to 100m even when lamping so don't go mad.
  21. Has it stll got the bone in ? If not the simpleist way is to put in meths for a month, Take out air dry job done.
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