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Everything posted by coldweld

  1. Yes Mark . I have had .17 hmr,.223. 22-250, .270, .303,.9mm (pistol) .22RF(pistol) I currently have .22RF, .17 Fireball, .22-250, .260 and 7.62 x 51 . Now just because i have had a few guns do's not make me an expert. But apart from the Two pistols i CHOSE to sell the others because of various reasons . The HMR was because it had no real use as i have listed above . Not being Pedantic . Just giving my Honest opinion to the person who posted the original topic ! Which was, what are the best rifles for rabbit, Hare and Fox.
  2. If you can get 17HMR conditoned on your license for Fox as some police forces do, then thats going to be cheap and effective for foxes at ranges up to 120yds as a maximum, but closer if they will come in. What about when they are at 150 yds ? Hmr's are are not cheap to run as you shoot of loads of rounds thinking they are cheap. But what exactly do they do ? Apart from a marketing point of view ! To much for rabbit ( .22rf is better up to 100m) Most crows in fields are out of range and marginal for an 130m fox. I'm not saying they are not fun But if you can only have two rifles t
  3. Well you might have to be paitent ! New FAC with a land inspection !! Get your aplication in now and you MIGHT get it back before Xmas if you are lucky. P.S. At least it gives you time to save some cash. ATB Coldweld
  4. If your not reloading .222 or .223 for fox , Don't forget a moderator too. Rabbits hares .22rf + mod FAC air is a waste of time if you have .22rf as you won't use it .17Hmr is noisy and to be honest not up to fox but destroys rabbits, If you want a .17 center fire is the best option. It destroy's rabbits and fox's but at distances the hmr can only dream of.
  5. Yes it has a 1 in 9 , Remington model 7 Predator .
  6. yes 25gr Vmax 16 gr h4198 getting a 5p sized 3 shot group at 100m
  7. I was 16 (so considered a child by police) and it was a first offence so they couldn't really have given me any more, it's a non-specified offence so considered not serious by them. Also - I had to admit the offence really because I was caught red-handed by the police themselves, think I had been seen by someone in the houses at the top of the field and they must have called the police. And yes, I admitted to the caution on the application, I spoke to the inspector about this when he came out to the house, and although he did'nt see it as a problem I presume the decision isn't up to hi
  8. Well i've now had my .17 fireball shooting for 2 weekends ! It's total rounds todate is 26 shots fired. Three of them were fox's two adults and one cub, one was a squirrel and a rabbit ! 6 shots were to friends having a go, the other 15 were zeroing. What a Peach .
  9. If i were you i'd be laughing ! Apart from messing i can't see why anyone would want a semi they all have stoppages But not many owners admit it. Enjoy your annie
  10. Find a big house sale and Bid !!
  11. As has been said before it's all about harmonics. All are slightly different, Bullet weights, powder speeds, lenght of barrel, thickness of barrel and even floating or supported barrel's Don't be lead down the fast is best route as there is alot of Bovine waste product spoken about all things shooting, If you are getting good groups with your chosen load it is better to hit your target slowly than MISS it at speed !( i don't know what you are loading for but the front stuffers used in the American Civil War Took mens arms off) By all means experiment with your loads and lengths but y
  12. If you read the information Scopes/Sights and mounts are a restricted item . But if its in your case and you have posted the Box and paperwork you would proberbly get away with ATB Coldweld
  13. Depends on what you want to do ? If you go to a field trial you will not see the handlers with a gun. I have a dog with load of FTCH in her pedigree and to be honest she is good, BUT she was a BA***** to train, she did and still is on full throttle ALL the time . I use her for beating and it was the only way to channel her energy without driving me mad. When i come to breed from her i will use a dog with very little FTCH in it as i want a calmer springer not another whirlwind !!! So i would say a good Working background is as good if not better than a pedigree full of FTCH for mos
  14. Thats what semi-autos do best ! You seem supprised ?
  15. There was a 17 fireball for sale but i have bought a new one instead.
  16. Any one bought a rifle from Eire and shipped it here ? if so what are the hoop's you have to jump through.
  17. I was in your shoes a couple of years ago and fancied the 25.06 but felt it slightly more barky than the 6.5 x 55. But found the 6.5 x 55 more accurate ! What did i Buy ! Well for a start i reload, and went for a nice sweet shooting round that can throw larger range, of bullet weights of the 6.55 x 55. .260 rem
  18. Why not the AE ? do you treat your rifle like a Squaddie ? as that is what the AW is built for if you life is on the line spend the extra Or if you have the cash after all its your money ! But i have the AE and it is so accurate it can be too easy to Vbull. Mk 2 now is 10 shot.
  19. Sorry for the negative post, it was not clear you still had you base land.
  20. Only problem i see is as you have no permission you are in breach of your FAC application form ! ie No land or Rifle club you would not get a ticket .
  21. If you join a Range/Target club you are only allowed to shoot on ranges plus IF you don't attend the club HAS to inform the police [ and they come knocking} If you lose your Closed ticket land YOU are in breach of your ticket { Unlawfully held weapons irrespective of how long is left on your ticket } Same go's for an OPEN ticket as you have to nominate Base land. Contact your FLO and explain he should help ! Eg give you time to find some land ! But ring him before he rings you. Either way your ticket will need ammending.
  22. Has to be the Annie ! The last sako's good but not the quality of it's forerunner. Cz are well built and shoot well and do their job. But do not have the Annie and sako's class or quality
  23. I must get 7.62 x 51 Ground off my AI and it restamped .308 ! Where do you recomend ?
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