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Everything posted by coldweld

  1. Just got back ! Saw 5, mate was shooting To slow on the first two, killed the 3rd and he thought the 4 and 5 where too far away Should have killed 4 !!!
  2. Who use's a 28 ? After using my Son's 28g i'm wondering if i'll be using the 12g much in 2015 ! I've been using 19gm 6# on a mates Clay ground and it has proved it can shoot Clays on par with a 12g ! If you get chance to use a 28g you will be surprised with how good this underused calibre is.
  3. No had a rabbit. But once shot a Fox with both ears cut to about 1 Cm
  4. Get your self a Bridge camera ! Has more features than a compact but not the costs of a DLSR
  5. Shame your so far away, i would have made an offer.
  6. I take it you mean Buccleuch lines and Not a dog direct from David Lisett. Once diluted it matters not what the lines on one side comes from, i don't know David Lisett But i do Know who Whelps his pups .
  7. Easy way to sink a dry line is put a Course fishing weight on it
  8. Good job your FLO's don't know some off you have temper and anger management issues ! A few revocations might be in the public interest
  9. Wonder what the argument will be in October when VED is no more ? All the moaning is about cycles should pay tax !! Perhaps Dog licences should come back too, Say £150 PA per dog ? help to pay for cleaning up all the Dog S*** and Fine the Owners that either don;t bag it or throw the bags of S*** in trees Min £4000, then ban them from keeping animals for life and PTS their animals Mention SGC or FAC prices going up and you all start moaning. I would bet all of you would bend over backwards to not pay Tax, like working for cash .
  10. So what is best or safe a group of cycles 4 abreast approx 50m long obstruction or two abreast at approx 160m obstruction ? Why are all the posters so angry about other peoples pass times ? I shoot,fish,cycle (in lycra) Fly RC Helicopters,Motorcycle,drive a car and a van. But could find fault with people who enjoy the same hobbies as me, but why ?
  11. I suppose they are soft mouthed when picking game ? My springer would have my boot up her arse if she went for a chicken, and would be worse if she raged anything thats what my terriers are for ! Little black hearted B******
  12. I can't believe you even have to ask !
  13. No don't get a heavy barrel !! Get the sporter barrel as a heavy barrel is a pain in the ar++, you will regret buying it. A light rife is just as accurate as a heavy rifle for sporting use and easy to carry all day or night. Bull barrels are better for range work and rapid fire up to a point untill the heat haze distorts the sight picture through the scope ! Be cautious as some of the stocks on Howa's are cr++, and POI will change if you use a bipod or pull tight on the forend.
  14. .22rf .17 fireball .243 .260 7.62 x 51 all reality not fantasy
  15. Doctor optics is the east German Zeiss factory in Jena . It will out perform your HMR with ease
  16. That's where the plan falls apart ! The Pups have to be born in England ( with a current English address and Shotgun cert registered to that address) to be legal. I doubt a Northern England Vet that wants to keep his or her practice would dock your pups. Sorry
  17. I've got one but it is not on my foxing rig, that might give you a clue . S&B 8x56 as i don't faff zooming
  18. I understand that but why has a picture with 3 votes got in the top ten when pictures with 7 plus votes did not ? You have to admit it don't look good.
  19. I agree ! Shame that sharpness and light/colour have lost out to content. Not that the pictures are not interesting. BUT its a Photography comp and unfortunately not all the top ten should be in the 10 imo
  20. When will the result be shown ?
  21. Unseasonal warm weather dip

    © Dean Thompson

  22. You did not say the Anni was also a semi !! Get a bolt action, Semi autos have a noisy loading action, Usually jam just at the moment you need it most, less accurate than a bolt action and encourage the user to waste Ammo. OR ignore this advice buy a semi, sell it at a loss when you find out we where telling you the truth, then buy a bolt action.
  23. Easy answer is Anshcutz is a good rifle from the box ! 10/22 is a bit like a Kit Car Never quite finished and always in need of another part !!
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