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Everything posted by DevonHunter

  1. Have you phoned and complained. They will know which patrol car was in that area at the time. You probably wont get no joy but you neeed to report it as you could of been injured. Any witnesses at the time? Yeah dads gonna ring them up later. It was on a main road but we'll give it a try. I reckon he was off duty because his lights werent flashing and he was on his own. Usually go round in pairs. It goes to show how they abuse their authority, the whole 'im in a police car i dont have to give way f**k you all' attitude. Should of made a meal of it fella. Sure you aint hurt????
  2. Have you phoned and complained. They will know which patrol car was in that area at the time. You probably wont get no joy but you neeed to report it as you could of been injured. Any witnesses at the time? Yeah dads gonna ring them up later. It was on a main road but we'll give it a try. I reckon he was off duty because his lights werent flashing and he was on his own. Usually go round in pairs. It goes to show how they abuse their authority, the whole 'im in a police car i dont have to give way f**k you all' attitude.
  3. Well they wouldnt make a console that could only hold 3 games would they?
  4. today i was filtering through traffic coming up to the lights. At the lights there is a give way bit that comes onto the road i was going along. The lights were going amber and i came up to the front of the lights. A police car, coming from the 'give way' bit. Pulled sraight out in front of me i swerved and dropped my bike and he sat there laughing at me the b*****d, i tried to pick the bike up and give chase but he got away. Ive f*****g had enough of the police force in this country its getting pathetic now. they need a f*****g slap.
  5. Picture? How much? How old? do a good write up and you will get good request and offers
  6. Dont bother with the xbox360 get a ps3 its free online etc. so much better. Not to mention built in wireless reciever so you can connect it up to the wireless in your house. If you dont have that then you can get an ethernet cable for about 10 quid and it plugs straight into your playstation. generally alot better. Its like 40 quid a year for internet on xbox...as if bill gates isnt rich enough as it is....
  7. Id have set fire to the f*****g lot, i have a real bad phobia of snakes.
  8. Dont be silly, there is no skill involved in drilling and tapping. Anyway you can always send it off to a gun shop and most will engrave a weaver rail into your gun.
  9. Sure why not! I'm sure it would be applicable to a percentage of THL members! The point of camouflage is concealment! Dressing like a digitally printed tree isn't good in every circumstance especially as alot of my shoots are conducted on business premises. Dressing like a pretend soldier will not get me a contract renewal next year! Overalls where it's needed. Ghillie suit when it isn't. Depends on your circumstances. I was using digital as an example...
  10. Its best to get to know your local keepers and start by getting some beating in and generally showing some genuine interest. Once you get to know him offer to help him out during the rearing season. In the evenings and weekends. And get a taste of what its all about. A lot of people think its just walking around with a gun all day but they couldnt be further from the truth. Its bloody hard work seven days a week. more a way of life than just a job. I enjoyed my days as a keeper back in the eighties in north Essex. At that time i went to hampshire colledge of agriculture. But there was no offic
  11. I wouldnt agree with the guy above, check your gear linkage, it happened in a car i used to rag around a field the gear linkage was slipping out of the ball joint and the gears wouldnt engage properly. (If it doesnt have a hydraulic clutch) if so, re-bleed it.
  12. No i live in the country side, and i dont know i just shoot.
  13. Yeah i guess it would help. Haha my dad lives in portugal so i might get the ferry over. Lots of sticky tarmac there Mwahaha it would never make it that far , the millie was exactly the same as in being top heavy but it didnt stop haga did it mate just get out and practice on a roundabout in the middle of nowhere. Yeah theres a nice medium sized roundabout ive found in an industrial estate that not many people know about. I think ive found my new playground
  14. Everyone knows about union street. Its even on wikipedia...
  15. :sick: Hey mackem, you live in brighton? No,of COURSE NOT I am from Plymouth Are you f**k. Damn it, union street? rent boy?
  16. My dad lives in portugal Car tax=12 euros a YEAR council tax=9.50 euros a YEAR etc. i could go on all day. Basically what im trying to say is you dont realise how much our government are MONEY GRABBING b*****ds until you go to a country like that. Oh not to mention sun al year round and snow in the winter if your near a mountain
  17. :sick: Hey mackem, you live in brighton?
  18. Looks like you know a guy whom wax's his legs too...
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