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Everything posted by Paid

  1. Result ! Well done for not saying anything that they could use.
  2. I also think he is a c**t, but frankie Boyle has me in stiches.
  3. Paid


    there are a lot of tits flashed in it, and some very nice arse shots! don't worry about the story.
  4. here the bees are 1 month late, but this sun has bought them out now. Numbers do seem down though, the foxgloves are normally a hive of activity by now, but only seen red arses and bumble bees so far, no honey bees yet.
  5. Paid


    I'll have to read the books when the show is over
  6. How come mate Just extending up a floor, so have the old roof off while the new floor is being built. Its a bit like camping, but at home.
  7. Going well for me :-) glad this weather is here now, as i aint got a roof on my house at the moment.
  8. Paid


    I certainly didn't see the end of this weeks episode coming !
  9. Paid


    My ferrets won't eat them. Pigs do though.
  10. I thonk it has been trained to go for the nose.
  11. My jack russel would prob play like that with the otter, as he does with the ferrets, but the lurcher......... Good vid, thanks for sharing it.
  12. Paid

    Log Planter

    What wood are you thinking of using ? as most wont last long at all. I've done it before with already slightly hollow wood and just burnt it out more, then found plastic pots that fit the hole.
  13. you can't pick dwarfs up, they've got rights, and even if you could, there not lite !
  14. Paid


    Donkeys have there uses, for one they, they will see off any pensioners.
  15. Paid


    I just picked up 3 saddle back weiners, and the kids keep asking me why the pigs are giving each other piggy backs all the time lol. fecking animals.
  16. Paid

    What Brushcutter

    Def Stihl and def cow horn. With a choice of nylon or a blade.
  17. Also remember they will try to get you to convict your self, so just think before answering leading or in fact any questions.
  18. Best of luck and make sure you only have the 1 air riffle in the house.
  19. So just some thing to view porn then ?
  20. "hi my names is Tarquin, and lots of people are laughing at me, can you please, please, please, help me loose my virginity ?"
  21. feck me, I never had wilf down as a hippy
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