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Everything posted by Paid

  1. Paid

    Dad Film's

    Still got my dads old VHS with "documentaries" written on it, classic old 70s poor when you play it though lol. Has about 4 films on, one i remember watching on the sly as a kid was the opening of misty beethoven. It was a good ploy by dad, but as i like documentaries it didn't work lol
  2. Paid


    damit the market is a rip off £1.99 from the chinks http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Powerful-Folding-Wrist-Sling-Shot-Slingshot-Outdoor-Hunting-High-Velocity-Brace-/280899685297?pt=UK_SportingGoods_Hunting_ShootingSports_ET&hash=item4166ed0bb1
  3. Paid


    Black widow copy is about £5 with a spare elastic.
  4. Paid


    Your a proper c**t kranky, but i do like your posts lol.
  5. Paid


    What is the best current elastic ? and, were do you get it ?
  6. Paid


    You can take out bigger game than a rabbit with blackwidow elastic
  7. Paid


    I know some traveler lad got a ball bearing in the face point blank not long ago, proper fecked him.
  8. Paid


    I think you can get done for a catapult, is it not classed as a weapon now ?
  9. Paid


    I still use a black widow type, though made up a yew handle for it. I just find it easier as you can buy the replacement elastic in 3 places in my town alone. Still kill a pheasant or rat with it. Its what i grew up with, tried other types like milbros, but always gone back to the black widow elastic.
  10. Well, my boys still need to learn about bird nesting, as i learnt a lot from it as a kid, and I am happy for them to do it with a camera, instead of a pin.
  11. Agreed, we work best united. Some top regiments from over the boarders.
  12. Do you lot still paint yourselves blue ?
  13. Who decides it is a problem bop ? as surely to a keeper all bops are problems ?
  14. You sound a lot like the folk at the RSPB mate. Making out all keepers have no interest in the natural world, and no understanding of balance.. . . and that all keepers would shoot any BOP on sight. It's just not true. It cant be true, as many species of BOPs werent hunting to extinction or near extinction in the past were they
  15. Paid

    One Dog ?

    Happy with my current one, saluki/whippet/greyhound
  16. Paid

    Big Brother

    you should, its good.
  17. I think thats the right way to look at things pete.
  18. Paid

    Big Brother

    She would look a lot better without the cheap tats.
  19. I would grudge f**k kate humble.
  20. She is a ruff old coke head. I still prob would though, just for the hit man and her memories lol.
  21. I'm in the same boat, i wonder if the cold spring is playing a role ?
  22. been using mine for years, great bit of kit. Now the kids are peddling themselves about, i have converted it into a kayak trailer.
  23. we get both pied and yellow here all summer, the pieds used to nest on my oil tank every year, havent for a couple of years though.
  24. Peregrines nest on a church in the centre of town here, often see them whacking pigeons over guildford. Great to watch. Buzzards are starting to be more frequent, and seen a pair of red kits twice in 5 years here.
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