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Everything posted by Paid

  1. I'm starting to feel the pinch, the recession has taken a long time to reach the south, or at least my part of the south, but it seems it is here now, no one has to much spare cash around, lot of youngsters struggerling to find work.. Still, luckily i don't mind camping holidays :-)
  2. Paid

    Fat People

    This might sound harsh, but surely if you are ill, and not burning as many calories, you need to eat less than if you are still active, so I don't know who else's fault that would be if not your own. I stand by the fact you can not become obese at no fault of your own.
  3. Paid

    Fat People

    Do people take him seriously then?.........I thought he just sat there all day dreaming up pish and people humored him lol Comments a bit strong some folk can be obese through no fault of their own No one is obese through no fault of their own.
  4. Paid

    Fat People

    bmi 26, the feckers have me down as over weight, i can no longer take myself seriously lol
  5. Paid

    Fat People

    I'm the same as you mate, just can not take a seriously fat person serious.
  6. Stranger suck dude hot meat is almost a sentence.
  7. Could do with that builder being on my job, my lot are down tools and gone by 4.30 every week day and they have done 1 Saturday out of 5 so far lol. Sounds like the work will be done in no time.
  8. That malumute clearly hadn't been trained to go for the nose.
  9. They do know "jack russels lure the badgers out" for men to shoot lol.
  10. When back over my mums, theres asda, lidl and aldi, no morrisions about though. Always like em when I've used them when camping.
  11. now that you mention it, there are a lot of ruperts, but then, i live in a fecking posh area.
  12. Only have sainsburys, waitrose and tescos prefer waitrose
  13. this guy has some interesting ideas watched a few of his vids
  14. Paid

    White Fox??

    Agreed, looks real, nice job on the taxidermy too
  15. Just wear your dress around the house, and he will be fine, Fecking things live for odd years, so plenty of time to get to know him :-)
  16. Paid


    Just go with what feels right, and then practise a shit load.
  17. Paid

    Dad Film's

    I might of taken the better ones home
  18. it def flys like a drone helicopter.
  19. Paid

    Dad Film's

    have in the past, fecking itchy though
  20. http://youtu.be/b2W7LLeA4ek or is it a remote controlled helicopter with some bright leds Still, interesting
  21. Paid


    Poor lad had already taken a kicking and was on the floor, another lad walked up and fired a BB point blank into his forehead. Don't know what he did to piss em off.
  22. Paid

    Dad Film's

    All the tramps must have iphones now, as you dont find old porn stashes in the woods anymore :-) Found a whole box load once, only down side to that was 50 odd copys of the same mag. Still, sold most at school.
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