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Everything posted by Paid

  1. Paid


    Plenty of undersea archeology too, as during the las ice age sea levels were a lot lower, hence trawlers pulling mammoth tusks out of the sea of the coast of holland, some very interesting stuff in the solent too. Now we are getting good at finding low lying sea archeology theres some cracking finds being made, they do not include giant pulsating deep sea crystal pyramids though...;
  2. Paid


    Those lines on the ocean bed look like some sort of dredging scars.
  3. Paid


    Those pyramids have to be bull shit. At least theres no way thats an actual picture of it lol. Some one is getting a bit fanciful about a couple of under water volcanos is my bet.
  4. Paid

    Man Hoards!!

    Having an extension put on, so my scrap horde is growing at an alarming rate ! All ways amazes me what builders will throw away.
  5. are you going mate?? im rained off work so was gonna go a ride up........ melton? no mate I`ve started on a pine chest of drawers now wax and a polish --radio on,coffee machine on I`m sorted for a few hours I know one thing stig, if I was retired, I wouldn't be rubbing down a set of drawers lol Especially as there is a bedroom needing painting
  6. Crows also take them. Thats just the natural world mate, I wouldn't watch David Attenborough docs if i was you was you, lions eat little deers on it, its horrid.
  7. The flip side is that people will see it on the news and think this could be good year to visit Britain, could bring in some good tourist money from the continent ! Keep a few people here spending their well earned too.
  8. Paid

    Crb Check

    Sorry, thats wrong, you can not get it done yourself, but a charity ect can do it for you for a fee. Normally about £25
  9. Paid

    Crb Check

    When your employer gets one done, a copy is sent to you. You can not get your own done for there files, they need to get it done themselves. You can get your own done though, for charity work ect.
  10. 500W lights lol, and two ? The helicopters are gong to be interested in that attic
  11. Paid

    Pallets ??

    Bet they have sold a few though lol, some thick posh feckers out there.
  12. Why is there an advert for red diesel ? Drink much ?
  13. My lurcher, who ive had now for more than half her life, goes home to the place she was fecking born the daft cow.
  14. Paid

    The Baw

    Dam the plot thickens, he aint even scotish coming out with a fraze like that, he is an american school girl
  15. Paid


    lol barstards putting that in just a small clip.
  16. Screams about jesus to pigeons lol, going to steal that fraze
  17. The presenter is a proper twat, he has no idea.
  18. They are already planning that every dog is chipped and registered right ? You'll never stop idiots owning dogs, same as you can not stop them breeding themselves.
  19. Just make people accountable for their dogs. No need to make millions out of it.
  20. What about old people, who have to decide on heat, or insuring their only companion. Or tramps with dogs, would the police seize uninsured dogs ?
  21. horse fly, the fuckers have mouths not to dislike hair clippers, and just motor there way in, drink some blood, then puke into the cut and fly off, loverly blighters.
  22. Steam cleaners work well too, alongside chemicals, I got a cheap steam cleaner from aldi, and it cooks the fuckers and destroys their eggs. Its good for getting right into the nooks and crannys that they hid in.
  23. Paid

    3D Printers

    I wonder if they can print blur
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