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Everything posted by Paid

  1. Escot park in devon has a large enclosed red squirrel forrest, also brownsea island has lots, but thats hampshire i think.
  2. I work in education, and like the holidays lol, so i'm against it from a selfish stand point. From a parental view I'm also against it, as kids spend enough of their childhood in school, which i never enjoyed myself. I've just qualified as a "forest schools" leader, so will be taking kids out into the woods too learn a bit of field and wood craft for 5 hours a week. Hopefully make some kids school life a bit more fun.
  3. I though it was because the bomb went off on patriots day that they were suspecting home grown terrorists ?
  4. all this talk of labels, reminds me of
  5. I find they taste the same as daytime hares.
  6. Paid


    Most people don't get Moroccans, as they can be hasslers, and thieving barstards, but one thing we learnt quite early was that words, and actions, are two very different things, so though you might get a lot of hassle through words, until there are actual actions, don't pay any heed. If you don't look after your stuff, you will loose it. Don't forget if going to morocco that the film midnight express, though set in turkey, was filmed mainly in morocco as the prisons are proper shit holes, so be good lol.
  7. Paid


    If you like mountains, the high atlas is stunning, bus travel around it can be emotional ! I preferred the Marrakech end, but it was all stunning, like going back in time.
  8. Paid


    Spent a year there, in 3 month stints, loved the place, traveled all over, north to south, Ketama was the most hairy, agadir the most touristy. Every where else was a breeze after tKetama. You do have to keep your wits about you, but most morrocans are fine. They do get the shit kicked out of them if they f**k about too much with tourists, as the country likes the money tourism brings. Tangier is a very interessting city.
  9. It is a good crack, hooves flying up in your face, seems your going a lot faster than you actually are.
  10. As a young teen i ferreted waste lands around s/e London, then got into other things for 20 years Then on moving to the countryside, and making a few mates that were into running dogs, i was hooked. Mainly lamping all quarry at first, but now more into the ferreting, done a bit of shooting, but don't really rate it for sport. Now my main interest is ferreting, lamping, phezzies with a catty day and night and bushing. The common link is always having a hound along.
  11. I've always been into cooking, had to be as the wife's cooking used to be proper pants, but too her credit, it has improved over the years. My signature dish is my rabbit leg tajine Only just started getting into baking though, as one of my boys is very into it, and our signature bake is our chocolate cookies with butter icing.
  12. Tommo with be all over this thread in a min.
  13. Well done butter cup Its taken me nearly 2 years to kick the baccy, but I think i have finally done it !
  14. Do you look a bit more like your avatar now ?
  15. Advocate is pretty good, and will cover most of the other suggestions of what could be the problem to, as kills a broad range of parasites and is a spot on treatment, like front line.
  16. Money, and religion. Both the worship of made up rubbish, that the world would be better of without.
  17. At least he wont spread the ginger gene.
  18. Should be starting now, have you had no eggs all winter ? What breed ? Mine are laying well, but only slowed a little over winter.
  19. They still havent come out !
  20. Paid

    Thatcher Dies

    Hope they stake down the corpse.
  21. Both my dogs went mental when that fox pounced lol.
  22. I knew a deer hound cross that had to have its tail removed, still ran well. As you know, she would be better off with her tail, but it wont slow her down or make her turn like a bus. It will only affect her a little bit on the turn.
  23. I'll be fcuked if im taking this off face book.
  24. Got a nice slab of slate, from malts home land. its been spot on.
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