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Everything posted by Paid

  1. As long as they sort there pack order out, you should be ok, seems the saluki cross will prob hold its place in the pack, and accept the less dominant pup. You can do a few things to instill the correct pack order, like feeding the older dog first, putting the older dogs lead on first, putting the older dog in the car first ext.
  2. Nice one But get the retrive sorted BEFORE that actual chase
  3. I'm from the largest city, then a townie, now in the country with fields on 3 sides.
  4. I would think your sort of hot dry terrain would suit a Saluki well.
  5. They have a different style of hunting right? Using the dogs to mark, and flush rabits to guns mainly, or so my friend tells me. They are barkers and open up when they sight a rabbit, allowing the guns to be pointed in the right direction. They can, and do catch some on the run, but mainly they just flush them out.
  6. Like the ruff coated ones, I have an invite to go hunt with some over there next season.
  7. I wonder if it has anything to do with all the tree pollen about at the moment, irrataing her lungs?
  8. Paid

    What quarry?..

    I'd like to hunt Pecari in the amazon basain in the dry season with local dogs, or red fox with a golden eagle from horse back in the steppes of Russia.
  9. It has an 800 meter beam, and can light a small field.
  10. Rats are pretty good at stealing whole eggs, but a sitting hen will normaly put them off.
  11. I'm more than happy with mine, but as rambo says, rewire it as the wiring is cack from the factory.
  12. Spot on mate. So CJD if muslims look after muslims, I.E this morgage thing you linked is that a problem? Go see if a fellow bnp member will offer you such good loan arrangements :whistle:
  13. Paid


    Glad the family have the remains back, to lay to rest. Just hope the four being sentanced don't get lighter sentancing in light of this news.
  14. Lightforce, striker or blitz. Though they normally need rewiring.
  15. Interessting looking dogs, look a lot like my rotti cross german shepard Seem more athletic that a straight rotti. my rotti cross gsd
  16. f**k the law and just carry on. Politics wont throw you a life line. Name the last law that was "done away with" by any party. They aint going to have less control over you, they make laws, they dont abolise them. but belive what you like, if it makes you feel better.
  17. lol, so i take you belive the torys will make the world a happy huntingn ground once again, dream on.
  18. Considering I've only been hunting since the bans been inforce (after a 15/16 year break) and accounted for rabbits,roe,rats, woodies, and one fox this season its fairly hard for me to awnser though ifhunting rabbits with dogs were also banned, I still wounldnt vote tory, and hell would have to freeze over before I vote bnp I vote lib dem, always have, and until something better crops up, always will.
  19. Voting on one issue alone is a bit short sighted imho. Even if I belived the torys would repeal the hunting *** (which I don't) I still couldnt bring myself to vote for em.
  20. Have to agree with Max there. I'd vote tory before the bnp, and thats saying something
  21. Doubt he would be fussy with raw mince
  22. I agree that saluki types might be the awnser for the stamina. Those 2 dogs with the coyote look small?
  23. Well, he does seem to be giving refuge to a fox :whistle:
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