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Everything posted by Paid

  1. Yeah they do, there about £10 if I remember right, my dog also ate one, and I had to diy for a bit, with a bit of copper wire and some electric tape.
  2. I do it for the meat, in order of me and my family, friends, dogs and ferrets. People you take out will oftern sneak back onto your ground, which is why I am always choosy what land I'll share.
  3. I chuck em in, on a string in the evening while walking the dogs, and check them the next evening while walking the dogs, and either take the whole trap home if i have enough, or empty rebait and reset, to be checked again the next evening, so i leave them in for 24 hours.
  4. I find these plastic double ended traps the best There between £5 and £10, theres a few on ebay, or if your by the coast, some tackle shops sell them for crabing. You can also make your own, but if i were too again i would make an entrance at both ends and maybe do a better job :-) I have found the best bait to be rabbit feet or legs, as there easy to tie in, and dont break up. Everytime I used fish, there was always nothing left of the fish when i lifted the traps, and fewwer crayfish.
  5. Some lads around my way have done the same, added chiuaua to their jacks to make minni jacks they claim are good for ferreting. Havent actually see them doing any though. My jacks grandfather is a chiuaua, and I was givern him by one of these lads, but though he can get rabbits in cover, and get down a few rabbit holes, he has yet to bolt any, or draw any from a warren. He is 10"
  6. Vinny jones is into coursing greyhounds I belive.
  7. heres a couple of pics of him Glad to here you have taught him to come back
  8. Yes, he has done a good job with Buzz, havent seen them for a bit, will have to plan a night lamping with em soon.
  9. Dickyboy on here has a young pointer cross, nice dog fit, obediant, game, but lacks a bit of speed.
  10. Still going into my traps, then again, its been mild, with butterflys in november.
  11. I fish my local river for crayfish, but an interessting thing, last pike i ate, when gutted was full of small crayfish, maybe trap a couple and try them as bait
  12. I do some public places for the local countryside rangers, and do come across some who dont like me doing what I'm doing. I tend to try to explaine that as we are ferreting, its actually sustainerbal, and if we werent, then the only other option is to gass the rabbits, this tends to shut up most antis. In general though, we have far more people interessted, and in general supportive of what we are doing, which is quite nice. Main thing is to keep your cool, and if you have a raving looney, just walk away and get on with your business.
  13. I cant see a connection between a bite alarm, and a locator? I mean a bite alarm works purely on movement, where as a locator works on a collar transmitting a signal, and the locator picking up that transmitted signal ?
  14. Dam right he has just moved to the area, what a welcome hu
  15. All I know so far mate, is that the lad was lamping, met up with 2 strangers who tagged along for the night, to see the crack, then a day or so later my mate went to check his dogs, and the hinges had been unscrewed from the lurchers kennel, and the dog was missing. The terriers were left alone. He spent 3 days searching all the usal places, but the dog was found wondering by an old couple 9 miles away, who took it to the police station, and he recovered if from there. Seems it was taken and either dumped or lost. But at least he has her back now.
  16. Good news, the bitch has been recovered, and is back with her owner
  17. Its not my dog, but a good mates, It was stolen around the Dalton in Furness area, so anyone around there please keep ypur ears and eyes open. I seriously doubt it was antis that took it, but i suppose you never know.
  18. Hancock lurcher stolen in Cumbria, stolen from garden kennels, all the hinges unscrewed. 14 month plus, Gunmetal grey colour 22-23inches with four white paws and white blaze on chest. I'll try to get a recent picture up as well, please keep your eyes open in the area, as the owner is gutted, and spending all his time searching.
  19. I was told it was bad luck to kill a black rabbit, but the night i killed my first, we also got a good sized roe buck a few mins later, so I dont belive that one
  20. I've learnt loads from here, and m o o c h e r s, if you have a question you can be pretty certain its already been asked, so the search function is a great resource. Also met a few like minded lads through these places, so I hope these sites carry on, and go from strength top strength.
  21. I put the light out and walk nearer, then the odd flash to check its still there, then as I get to about 50 yards I tend to keep it on it, if it hasnt already run.
  22. Just got in, nice and wet, with a good wind, got 3 out of 6 runs and called it a night.
  23. No one else from this thread got out then ?
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