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About dehoffmeister

  • Rank
    Born Hunter
  • Birthday 29/05/1987

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  1. wat show is on in cork this weekend lads
  2. well lads did yesee about the foxs attacking them poor girls over in england?? how will the antis defend this one now? all the years trying to give impression these vermin wouldnt touch a lamb out in the country they only ate berrys and worms!! hope the public now see the need for PROPER fox control. all the best.JOHN
  3. what shows are on around cork etc in next few weeks lads
  4. thanks lads no luck getting blade yet. im a fitter by trade so when i do get one ill weld on the handle.
  5. alright lads do ye know where i could get a graft spade in ireland?? the one with the long blade on it. any help would be gratefully accecpted
  6. dev can you send that link on to johnbizkit@live.ie cheers. yours in sport john

  7. dev john o brien ere from cork could you ring me please 087 9722242

  8. seems your back again ya snake

  9. charlie keenan.com.................. the rough shooters pants care the bizz
  10. lads to sort this out once and for all. i sold that hound to jack as a PULLING dog. he took it on trial and went lamping with him i told jack i only had him lamping twice before and he knocked a handy fox. i gaurenteed him on pulling only and thats what he is an excellent pulling dog. as for ringing me he rang my mobile twice while i was at work i forgot to get back to him then he goes and put a load of sh88 on here couple of weeks ago that really pi***** me off thats why i didnt want to give him the money back. jack come down next thursday and i will take him back i will be calm by then. scen
  11. dug her once to fox handy one kev. she got two BIG FOXS about 3 weeks ago she will be out with hounds all the time for now on.
  12. out again wit hounds this morn lads got one to ground after hounds ROARING AFTER HIM FOR A GOOD 40 MIN. looked fierce handy and so it proved we slipped in the jack dog as he was bulling for it again and he hasent been wounded by any of the other digs. slipped him in we found him 20 yards away down the ditch .7 deep. we dug down finding him ragging a very dead 3/4 grown fox. well happy and still he only got a few nips. its a good rest for him for awile now cos i must work the other terriers i have the 2two borders go mental every morning i leave them behind as i was leaving for work the ho
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