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Everything posted by joeboy123

  1. would that be up north or down here iv got a pic of bill still trying to work out how to put them on bill is a white dog with colored patches , now owned back again by F.H , BEST fen dog he ever had he says must be a diferent bill this one is pure white a dead ringer of seagull foxys dam
  2. would that be up north or down here iv got a pic of bill still trying to work out how to put them on
  3. has anyone ever herd of a saluki dog called bill i belive he was bread by leonard gasgin hes got a full brother called barney any stories or pics?
  4. just got in from lamping with my new dog 3/8 bull 5/8 greyhound its the firs one iv had of this breed iv herd there quit popula in the north i wish id got one erlier im over the moon with him he stands at 27tts and a reel muscled up looking dog has any one got any info on this breed as i no nothing about them im ading some pictures tommorow is the best way to get him fit running him beside a car ? and am i over feeding him to much
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