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Everything posted by ChrisJones

  1. Rachel Levine or Dianne Abbot?
  2. You know the executive order doesn't work like a magic wand, right?
  3. More like an asbestos blanket at the moment. It'll stop the fire spreading but we don't know whether the fabric will cause any problems later on. That's the immediate vs the long term risk strategy. The layman doesn't know enough about the information floating around and we've designated the translation to Karen from Facebook's University of Epidemiology. I'm all for science but this is where we're failing at the moment. None of them can explain it so a 5 year old can understand it so we're just told to trust them. I get it but it's easier to post a meme and Google a headline than co
  4. @Wolfdog91 @Rickshaw swami Just got off the phone with my ammo guy... He's only answering his phone to stored numbers, now, and he told me he's coming up for being 950,000 rounds behind in his back orders. He also said the component companies don't seem to have a huge interest in upping their supply to meet the demand either. Elections and pandemics have really stiffed the supply chain. It's going to be a minute. Makes me glad I stocked up when times were good but now I'm afraid to shoot it because I can't replace it!
  5. Do you have a bounty on coyotes at your end? I've seen two the whole time I've lived here. Both in the yard when I first moved in in about a week of each other. I installed a trailcam shortly after but I haven't seen one since. We do get mountain lions from time to time. My Mrs gets a notification on her neighborhood app when there's been a sighting in the area. Not surprising as there are more deer here than people!
  6. Yep! A good chunk of people trust these clowns!
  7. I know the speed at which this has been rolled out is a massive concern, for a good chunk of people, and rightly so. What, if anything, would change your mind?
  8. You know I'm not a democrat, right? It's encouraging that you're acknowledging Don's lack of success... He's not the messiah he's a very naughty boy! Anyone still believe in Q?
  9. The rumour going around is that Sleepy doesn't trust Boris because of his ties to Donnie!
  10. Now that Don's out of work maybe the EU will hire him to negotiate with Boris?
  11. They're exempt. The ban on new permits issued for drilling on federal lands doesn't apply to private land and tribal territory.
  12. Phase 4's been in dispute since they announced it. Obama nixed it. Trump reversed it. Biden reversed it... It's a bad location regardless of who's running the puppet theatre. I agree with the decision to revoke the permit but I still think both Trump and Biden are bellends. The native vote went resoundingly with Biden in this last election. The Trump Show hit their communities pretty hard.
  13. There has been four since 2016, the largest dumped nearly 400,000 gallons. The permit in dispute here is for Phase 4 of the construction, which is essentially an extension of the existing pipeline that's already in operation. It doesn't pass through tribal lands but will be situated upstream from several native reservations and poses a risk of potential contamination to one of the largest reserves of fresh water in the world. I guess it boils down to how much you trust the safety guarantees of big oil over the concerns of the people that live there.
  14. How do you rate the concerns of the native communities regarding the contamination of their water and food sources?
  15. What odds are you getting/giving?
  16. Pretty much. He's reversed Don's executive orders on the travel ban from predominantly muslim countries. Reversed his ban on diversity training, and his 1776 Commission. He's reversed the directive to collect citizenship information on the US Census. He's ordered a review of immigration policies and enforcement and enacted a 100 day moratorium on certain deportations. That doesn't include criminals, terror threats etc. He's reversed the remain in Mexico policy for asylum seekers. He's issued a memorandum to Homeland Security to preserve and fortify DACA. He's invoking the Defense Producti
  17. Presidents don't dictate economies in America. Supply and demand does. America's mixed economy has a degree of government intervention but not to the point where the government controls it, like Cuba, North Korea, and the former Soviet Union. The economy improved under Trump, without doubt, but he didn't control it, and isn't responsible for the boom or the recent bust. EDIT: Since the 2009 recession where US unemployment was at nearly 10% the US economy has grown around 2.5% per year. 8 years of the Obama administration and 4 years of the Trump administration. In your opinion
  18. If you know this thread you'll know that facts aren't it's strongest point.
  19. There were more troops in the middle east under Trump, than under Obama. He didn't create any jobs. The economy did. He had no hand in that. He didn't remove the threat of nuclear war from North Korea. They're escalating their capabilities. He is not politically correct.
  20. It's also interesting that the Obama unemployment rate, listed in GL's graphic was when he took office. That was during America's largest recession since the Great Depression. It was at record lows when he left office and Trump took that number and improved on it. December 2020's unemployment rate, in the twilight of the Trump presidency was 6.7%. To suggest that it was either Obama's, or Trump's, fault is simply false. Obama inherited the failings of the Bush era economy and Trump was unfortunate to get slapped with a global pandemic. If we wanted to cherry pick a data cluster to ha
  21. But you have to register to vote to get your ballot and that requires a legal form of ID. How do you get yours in Ireland?
  22. What was your favourite achievement of the Trump administration? Not the election promise from 2016 but actual implementation. I'm genuinely curious.
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