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Everything posted by ChrisJones

  1. Yep. He's sent them to bolster the troops that Trump sent in in 2017. Trump sent those soldiers in to bolster the soldiers that Obama sent in in 2014. You've never mentioned Trump's involvement. When he said the US was going to withdraw completely he didn't actually follow it all the way through. America has been active in Syria for over 6 years. Obama started it. Trump escalated it and attempted to scale it back and now Biden is upping the number.
  2. Sad news indeed. A very inspirational man at a time when many are hurting. It would be a shame to derail the thread over what was probably a misunderstanding?
  3. I always assumed that a politician was bent by default. I'm learning all the time!
  4. I believe a lot of his current actions are posturing. I also believe he'll be a one term president on health grounds. The way I see it is that he believes he's righting the ship and then he'll step aside cementing his career with democrats.
  5. I've been reading THL since 2004. Politicians siphoning money off for the their own personal usage has been a mainstay of criticism across the globe. You don't need to go back too far on this thread to read the criticism thrown at the Clinton's and the Obama's for the exact same thing. It's right to criticize it because it happens all too frequently but are we really that naive to think that Donnie is above such behaviour?! He even said he was doing it in the fine print of his GoFundMe!
  6. I'm not interested in betting on it, mate, I just wanted to know what odds you were getting on it, or giving on it. It's a bold statement. I'm genuinely curious as to whether it'll age like wine, or like milk.
  7. That's why I've been asking you where you're pulling yours from because I can't find anything that's even close to the figure you're quoting. I'm either not looking in the right place, or we're looking at the same data and getting completely different interpretations from it. Any takers?
  8. You keep repeating this figure, but which is it? Did 64k die, or is it 50k? I'm going with neither but I'd like read it for myself. Will you link to where you read it so we can read it also? Please and thank you.
  9. They could be pulled out of thin air too. Hard to tell when they're thrown around and no sources given.
  10. Are they not fake news anymore? There is nobody looking at this from outside of the administration and not wondering what the actual f*ck is going on!
  11. I understand that completely. Which site? For my reference? I'll raise you a CDC link for your reference. That was the US Flu burden for the same year. They attributed 61,000 deaths to it, in a country that has 5 times the population. This is why I'm genuinely curious as what the f*ck happened in England and has absolutely nothing to do with a side argument I have, with another individual on the dangers of socialised medicine...
  12. Absolutely. Which is why I'm asking you to post where you get your figures from to compare them to where I've gotten mine.
  13. Again I have. It's been contradicted by Public Health England. Where did you get your figure so I can read that source? Please and thank you.
  14. I have. It completely contradicts your number. Are you unwilling to link to it, or unable? If unwilling please state so as my coffee is going cold and I've got actual sh*t to do. If unable tell me where you read it and I'll look for myself.
  15. Post sources for these, please. Simply stating it isn't enough here, mate.
  16. I've just read the article about it in the British Medical Journal and it reads completely differently to the number that's been posted here. Max. Please post your source.
  17. I have. Where did you read it? Link please.
  18. Source? That's a really bad year for the US and we have 5 times the population. That's more like what I'd expect to hear. Still stunned at the 60k and would like to know where the figure came from.
  19. Honestly mate, I'd agree with that assessment. I'm sure some of our resident experts will debate that in the coming pages. The Nile Dam in Ethiopia on the other hand...
  20. They have to deliver. If they don't they'll get hammered in the mid-terms.
  21. $50 here. A few local lads making some decent extra money at the minute.
  22. A healthy helping of both. I'm not worried about either but I am concerned about elderly family and friends.
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