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Everything posted by ChrisJones

  1. The bottom picture of that meme could have been the Liberty and Livelihood march for all we know... We all know how influential that one was!
  2. HIs handlers probably realised it was hurting sales...
  3. You've already violated clause 10 posting it on here! Joking aside it looks like a pretty standard release form. If you're going to be with them the whole time I wouldn't worry about it.
  4. But he isn't in the clear, mate. There are several investigations into his administration and business practices still ongoing. Have a look and see...
  5. Has your news source actually released the findings of the report, mate? They've got a real scoop then because it's not been made public yet. 34 people and three companies have been indicted; six are Trump associates with direct links to his campaign or his administration, with five sentenced to prison on charges ranging from conspiracy against the United States to money laundering. Twenty-six Russians are among those charged. That isn't f*ck all. Of course non of this implicates Trump directly.
  6. Do you trust your government? Then why do you want to make it bigger and have a powerful unelected commission within this government? This is the only reason you need, IMHO. You're either with us, or you're with the filthy European terrorists...
  7. I concur with all of that post but I'll add that certain areas of Britain are far more violent and crime ridden than the majority of the US. Crime aside and look at the statistics for 'Democide' in the 20th century. After that ask why should any government have a monopoly on violence? Back to NZ their law now bans any semi auto not just military assault rifles. Time to check your 10/22... Well said. As above, there is a long a well documented UN campaign for civilian disarmament and the proliferation of small arms. They discuss this routinely. This goes back decades and even the l
  8. In which case I would fully support your right to do so and I'm sure many Brits would second the motion!
  9. F*ck*ng annoying isn't it! Not wanting to be governed by unelected bureaucrats is now racist/fascist. That works the opposite too. Many skilled people are leaving Britain because it's simply too expensive to live there. That vacuum is filled by foreign workers who see it as the land of milk and honey. This in turn leaves a vacuum in their countries that stunts their nation's growth, as you've pointed out. Their country's condition worsens so many see a drop in standards and in turn migrate for a better chance somewhere else... See where this goes
  10. In your opinion. We'll have to agree to disagree. A Lee and Enfield bolt action .303 was an "assault rifle" at one point same as a Kentucky flintlock. Neither you, nor I, in possession of one of these rifles is a threat to society. As above. You do have the right, same as with the right to free speech, the right to privacy etc. The US Constitution aside, the EU Charter of human rights covers your right to life and prohibits slavery and torture in Article 1. Article 2 covers liberty, personal integrity, privacy, right to thought, expression and assembly. The fact that exercising some of
  11. Like the LV shooting. I'm not convinced there is a conspiracy, false flag, crisis actors, etc... Saying that if we want to go down that rabbit hole how about this little excerpt from the nazi f*ck*rs manifesto... Sounds almost radical left from that comment. Also many are neglecting to mention on the fact he had explosives incase option 1 failed. This man was intent on maximum damage and wasn't really concerned with laws and such. As delightful as that sounds to some that would take decades. NZ banning in record time was simply the stroke of a pe
  12. It doesn't have to be, though. I was ineligible to vote on the referendum as I've been out of the country too long but I'll begin and end with "Unelected bureaucrats creating British policy." Leave will get rid of it. Remain maintains the status quo. However if we want to get into the aftermath then we've got some pages to fill!
  13. That's because Westminster can't handle democracy!
  14. Interesting as New Zealand has a very low homicide rate for having such light firearms laws in the first place but it's much higher than Switzerland's where there are more firearms and yet not even on the same page as the United Kingdom where they're banned. Russia's homicide rate is 10.82 per capita with totalitarian access to guns whereas the good old USA is only half of that with more access to firearms than anywhere else on the planet. Maybe there's an underlying issue that we're all missing...
  15. Impressive 24 hours but the growth has slowed considerably. Currently sits at 1,478,382 as of this timestamp.
  16. This Article 50 repeal petition will boil your piss. It was created today.
  17. The Hague has heard the appeal of convicted war criminal Radovan Karadzic. They've upheld the original conviction and upped his sentence from 40 years to life in prison.
  18. Crackers innit, mate?! This is yet another one of those issues that gets caught up as an immigration problem yet under scrutiny shows that there has been a serious breakdown of procedure at so many steps it's almost laughable. If existing Italian law had been enforced this man would never have been able to do what he did. Only now they're discussing revoking his citizenship yet this is the third major offence he's commited that we know about. F*ck*ng unbelieveable.
  19. No worries Gnash! I can't add any more likes so have a We've gone well off topic from the OP so we'll have to go down the rabbit hole on another thread!
  20. From the article... ... and yet the Italian authorities gave him citizenship and allowed a convicted sex offender and drunk driver to work in a position that required him to drive and bus full of children... You need a bigger firing squad for this one.
  21. I absolutely agree, mate and that civil right is absent in Europe and you can see the effects in real time but the blame for that doesn't lie at the door of the ideology in question, it lies in the halls of Westminster and Strasborg. One group can speak as it pleases, the other is subject to hate crime legislation. In the same country. It's not politically correct to point that out but f*ck 'em it's an absolute travesty all the same. I still can't see that as a problem created anywhere other than a parliamentary building. Back to a point, if I may? Does that right create insular societies
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