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Everything posted by ChrisJones

  1. Well here's the kicker... I wouldn't be surprised if they don't end up sending a few thousand more troops to oversee the withdrawal. As far as Biden goes who knows? He certainly doesn't until someone hands him a cue card.
  2. How many times on this forum have we said that there is more that unites us than divides us? How many times have we called them out for being incompetent liars and waste of our money? How many times have we said it isn't you versus me. Or me versus him... It's them versus us? I love England. I love Ireland. I love America. I cannot stand the collective governments of either. While the people continue to vote for same people that made these messes in the first place it will continue to play out as it always has. How's the definition of insanity described?
  3. In February 2020 the Trump administration signed a conditional peace deal with the Taliban. All troops were to be withdrawn by May 1st 2021. The Trump administration used the 'ending foreign wars' pitch in his initial election and his bid for reelection. This policy bid saw several high ranking members of his security team resign because they disagreed with him. Biden had actually put that timeline back to the end of this month, which is what we're seeing play out in real time. Two decades and trillions of dollars, not to mention the dead and injured servicemen and women, and the hun
  4. On the contrary. It's the only thing he's done in half a century in office that a lot of us agree with. Trump wanted them out on May 1st. It's hard to call whether it would happened as he isn't the president any more. I was suspended from school for a week when I did a book report on Dillon's writings and said it should be required reading. It should give you an idea of how the hierarchy worked at my school and who's cage was rattled. How crimes so violent could be almost excused as operational necessity, even celebrated. I'm certainly no expert on subject matter but I'd b
  5. Sounds like it was a question of time. They didn't expect the resistance which is frankly baffling considering they've been an occupying force for 20 years. For those of us old enough to have seen the Soviet footage of their withdrawal in '89 it's a f*ck*ng meme at this point. Bureaucrats don't believe in urgency.
  6. That's a tough question, mate. Trying to find a proportionate response to something like that is a challenge. A retaliation is inevitable, and you know how I feel about defensive measures over offensive measures with the military. I'm also wondering what a correct response would be.
  7. It's been kinda funny watching the finger pointing going on this side since the evacuation started. George Jnr had 7 years of it. Barry had 8. Donnie had 4. Rapey's had 6 months. Trillions wasted for the collected gain of absolutely nothing. There's your public service announcement for government right there.
  8. Isn't that generally the case though? They're discarded once their usefulness has expired? It'll be interesting to see how this plays out in the next few years. I'm sure the Chinese are already getting their dialogue together to help rebuild the infrastructure in exchange for some of that sweet, sweet, opioid money!
  9. You have to admit "Apache Kills Incel" would be a great headline to a bizarre article...
  10. They're forecasting it'll be paid off by 2050 to the tune of around $6½ trillion. Watching the Taliban picking up new M4's is gut wrenching... EDIT: I've personally contributed about $16,000 in taxes towards that too... I want my M4. I've paid for it.
  11. I guess the good news is that he was too big to fit in the cockpit of an Apache helicopter even if he'd been able to save his giros to afford one.
  12. Tyrants don't like armed citizens.
  13. That is good news. I know over here that the suicide rate jumped in parts of the union for similar reasons. Handguns are a readily available option. Death by firearms feeds the national narrative even though two thirds are suicides.
  14. I was thinking along those lines as a read your OP. It's been no secret that Britain has been trying to eliminate the legal use of all firearms for years and this could be a cheerful coincidence for Downing St.
  15. Do you think that will see a reduction in approved certificates in the coming years? Lockdowns seemed to have left a mark in the mental health of a lot of people worldwide.
  16. I had the thought that maybe we could throw in a Whatsapp call... We have a 7 hour time difference so if I can get on the lake before you're all shitfaced it could be pretty good!
  17. Could we make this an international event? Maybe myself and Ted could attend virtually and live stream from our respective live streams?
  18. Naah... I'll wait until Fellman visits again and send him scouting for digging spots!
  19. Once the initial adrenaline dump was done I'd have loved to have chatted with him. He'd been out there a long time without doubt but my mind is filling in the blanks with the history. It does raise the spectre of whether he was alone or whether he was a scouting party regarding a potential bumming...
  20. This 40 hour a week lark is great! I'm practically a part timer! I'm sure when the novelty wears off the wife will be sick of me being in all the time!
  21. Breitbart: Protestors Erected Gallows Outside Capitol Building On January 6th. Chanted "Hang Mike Pence" when Donnie turned on his own VP.
  22. I love going out to watch those when they arrive here for the summer. Good for locating kills in the forest! 3 years ago I was out walking the dogs in the forest while I was out twitching for Turkey Vultures. I was about 2 hours out, in the middle of no where, following the forestry tracks when a bloke stepped out of the woods ahead of me. He was dressed in buckskins, had a massive beard and looked like he hadn't washed in a decade. Had an old lever action rifle slung over his shoulder. I stopped in my tracks and the ACD I have growled. I waved at him. He waved back. As I took a step tow
  23. With the new forum update I can't upload pictures for some reason but we get a few rattlers in the summer. My neighbours have chickens. Chickens attract mice and mice attract snakes. I've had fewer incidents since I removed a lot of the harbourage but it's still a concern as I have four dogs and a rattler bite could be fatal to them. Thousands in vets bills at best. We get massive swings in temperature here in the mountains. Today we're expecting well below freezing temperatures and another winter storm is expected to roll through today and tomorrow. Summer it hits triple digits and snake
  24. Personal opinion. From what I see in America there's a pretty big split on firearms incidents and overall safety. I'm lucky enough to live in a state where the 2A is pretty much untouchable (we've just voted to overturn the rule that requires a permit for concealed carry.) I've been able to have my lads shooting at a really young age. In my previous job I had a minor role as a firearms instructor and I've taught my lads the safety and respect aspect from day one. I certainly wouldn't have any issues with any of them handling firearms from what I've seen. In other states, where the rules a
  25. Bit of good news from the States. Czech giant CZ has just bought out Colt Holding Company for $220m. Changes are expected to go in effect during the second quarter of 2021. With the quality of CZ over here, and the new expanded capacity and access to the US market, we're expecting good things! Hope I'm right!
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