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Everything posted by ChrisJones

  1. ChrisJones


    I'll have to give it a closer look! Thanks, mate!
  2. The Satanic Temple in Salem Massachusetts has just received tax exemption status from America's IRS.
  3. ChrisJones


    I've been having a look online to see what information there is and the only thing concrete is Vince Gilligan. I genuinely believe that Breaking Bad was one of the best TV programs of all time and I'm in full agreement with you.
  4. ChrisJones


    I'm very interested in that if Vince Gilligan is writing it.
  5. I'm going all in, Mack... (Happy Belated Birthday to Colt Severs who turned eighty on St George's Day)
  6. ChrisJones


    Cite your sources, Mack!!
  7. ChrisJones


    Not seen it but I'm hearing good things. Thoughts?
  8. It still goes on. We did security for an evangelical convention in Las Vegas a few years ago. While we were checking around the centre we found them rehearsing one of these exorcisms... They made enough money to require armed security so make up your own mind on that one!
  9. ChrisJones


    Not seen Vikings or Black Sails. Watched Sons for the first couple of seasons until I fell out of synch. FX stopped showing them when they had the writers strike and I just couldn't get back into it. I was told the same about Breaking Bad but bad advice I reckon. I don't have a lot of patience for most TV but I'm glad I ignored the haters on that one! My son has just finished Breaking Bad and while I didn't watch it all the second time around I was there because he wanted to watch it with me. We started Season 1 of Better Call Saul last weekend and I'm enjoying it so far. I'm
  10. ChrisJones


    I've never watched/read Game of Thrones but I've been told they're excellent also. Breaking Bad is a slow burner to start but well worth the effort in IMHO. I don't do a lot of telly Breaking Bad and Longmire are the programs I managed to watch in their entirety and was genuinely disappointed when said they weren't making them anymore. They certainly stopped before they got overplayed.
  11. ChrisJones


    It's excellent. One of the best shows to come out in a few years. Look at Longmire too.
  12. Yeah that's a brisket and they come out well over charcoal. When you get the hang of it you'll be cooking allsorts on them. I've always loved using a smoker but after moving over here they're almost a necessity. It gets pretty warm here on the edge of the Mojave and running the oven in the house gets really uncomfortable!
  13. Anyone else think he did it himself for the attention?
  14. I'm calling fake news on that, Mack. History tells us that the flooding would have been catastrophic but the resulting reset would have fixed all of the world's ills. Las Vegas is still standing.
  15. You won't regret it. You don't need to spend a fortune on gear but when you get the bug for it you probably will!
  16. F*ckin 'ell socks. I thought you were posting some good news for a minute. Who else clicked, all giddy, because they thought Packham had gone to the great crested twat reserve in the sky?
  17. Personally I think the turning point was the abolition of the three foreigners rule for European competition. It's done wonders for the clubs but I think it's been a catastrophy at the international level. JMHO mind. As a rival I can see the futility of going through the equivalent of a manager a season and I honestly hope he's given the time he needs to fix it. Saying that you lost arguably one of the biggest influences to the sport in history. I managed to watch a late showing of the derby the other night while I was in Las Vegas and I was disappointed I couldn't watch the passion of
  18. This is why we can't have nice things.
  19. Don't you think that's a generational thing, though? I agree with you but I don't think football is the common man's game anymore as much as we'd like it to be. The pride of pulling on the shirt ended when they became multi-million £ corporations, IMHO. I'm not saying there aren't those that do, only that the number is getting lower every season. Shearer going to Newcastle over Manchester is the immediate example that springs to mind... Remember the outrage that caused west of the Pennines? Walking past Nobby Stiles' house on the way to school in the morning and seeing what a nice approachable
  20. Fixed that for ya!
  21. I don't think anyone is suggesting that, mate, but there seems to be a clash of reasoning when we're all actually in an agreement on the result. Leave won but Remain is being allowed to call the shots.
  22. That's fair enough, gents, but my contact with friends, neighbours, and family, in Britain, both remotely and physically come back to the unelected bureaucracy, British tax money subsidizing schemes in other EU countries, and general size of government and lack of accountability and again immigration isn't something I've heard outside of THL. I accept that what I'm hearing is anecdotal but so are you the result is still the same and the process is being dragged out and Brexit or not it won't fix the issue you voted out for. I support leave based on EU government.
  23. That would assume I've severed all ties with the UK. On the contrary...
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