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Everything posted by ChrisJones

  1. How are you lads finding these sites with viruses, spyware and trojans etc? Are you letting anything else in besides downloads?
  2. Can't add any more to this really...
  3. Good gun. Shouldn't cause you any problems. Use a decent round head pellet.
  4. Field & Target Trophy work well in Weihrauchs if you've got a .177 try RWS R10's for rifle.
  5. ChrisJones


    That's exactly it. The antis haven't stopped you have they? Or me or anyone else. We're carrying on but we've been pushed underground. How's that for an improvement in your fieldcraft, eh? All that sneaking around! The only way it isn't going to stay underground is by a law change and to do that we need to change the attitudes of most and start promoting the plus sides of fieldsports. If we shut up shop and don't bring the kids on the way we do the dogs then the old ways will die with us and it's all for nothing. More people picking up dog work means more of a voice. Soldiers recruited f
  6. ChrisJones


    You're right but if you think smashing places up is going to bring back legal hunting then you're mistaken. If you fancy smashing stuff up for the hell of it then that's up to you. We're banned. We move on, no sense whining about it. The only way we can change the law is through the courts because there ain't enough of us to pull a referendum. We either keep in the media and in the face of our opponents or we roll over and die... I'll be f***ed if I'm lying down for any c***! f****n ell lads any more of this We're Doomed shit and I'm going to go and feckin top meself. Carreg. T
  7. ChrisJones

    Chat Room

    If anyone doesn't like what someone has to say in chat use the IGNORE option. Simply type /ignore followed by the screename. That way you can't see what they're typing. Great against trolls
  8. ChrisJones


    Trashing somewhere gets us f*** all. Just makes us luck like a bunch of kids who have thrown their toys from their pram. You can fight the cause when you're in the nick. Look mate. It's banned. We do our thing but we now have to be more careful. Lurcher and Terrier folk have been shit on. Everyone is in the firing line but digging ourselves in isn't going to change opinions. Making your local MP work for his money will. Popping a few stickers up isn't going to solve f**k all but neither it bleating about the good old days. What do you suggest we do? Education will help so how d
  9. ChrisJones


    Spot on. Keep up the pressure and the momentum. It ain't over by a long shot. Civil disobedience now... cheeky stuff. Things that aren't malicious but draw attention to our cause. Start banging stickers and posters up everywhere... and I mean everywhere! Green and white Union Jacks on party offices, ArsePCA centres, anywhere! Take pictures of it and show them up here! :11: We need cheering up! We've run this c*** to ground now we need to dig him out...
  10. ChrisJones


    Shudda, wudda, cudda, Andy :11: We should've been kicking off 8 years ago but no one thought it would happen! :11: It's like the Poaching Wars all over again... it's every man and woman's duty here to show our ways to the next generation. The more open we are about what we do the less the public can be deceived by the antis. The Administrator here has set up a fantastic forum so we can all meet up and swap stories and pictures. Let's use this to our advantage. When was the last time you stuck one of these all over the Labour party offices? We don't have to be nasty but we can sh
  11. http://thehuntinglife.com/forums/index.php...t=0entry11825 Chin up lads... it ain't over yet.
  12. ChrisJones


    Hang on a second here! Mr Blair has lost 100 seats. His massive majority has been cut to the lowest on record... it's not a complete loss! Shooting and fishing will be able to breathe a sigh of relief but only for a couple of years until the momentum for the next election starts again. Thing is what do we do about it? We can sit here dribbling into our beer about how hard it is or we can carry on the momentum and work on the next 4 years. Nobody here could have realistically thought we were in with more than the slimmest of chances, of a Tory PM? Has anyone noticed how the smiling
  13. Hear Hear. If you don't vote you've got no right to an opinion. If you vote Labour then you're on the wrong forum... Try here http://knitting.about.com/mpboards.htm
  14. You can buy a brand new S200 with 10 shot mag for around the £320 mark. Cracking little rifle. I haven't shot the 10 shot adaptor but I know Mr Darcy rates it. I found the rifle very accurate and consistent and at just a shade over 6lbs it's something you can drag round all day! Anyone that's ever owned a Weihrauch will pick this rifle up and say "F*** me!" because there's no weight in them at all. They customise easily and make a great pest control tool. As one of the cheapest PCP's on the market they're not to be sniffed at. Some people aren't keen though. Maybe they could say so
  15. ChrisJones


    If you want to argue about it this ain't the place. Let's resume normal service...
  16. ChrisJones

    fuckin c**ts

    Sorry to hear that Chilli.
  17. Who's the scary orange fella?
  18. Probably not what you're after but briefly summarised!
  19. That's it in a nutshell. All the candidates are reachable through email so it's piss easy to get hold of them. If you're in a marginal constituency they'll contact you if you make the first move. Labour supporters have used the tactical vote in the past with great success. If people decide not to bother then they're part of the problem. I'd vote for you Nov
  20. http://www.thehuntinglife.com/html/section...eflections.html
  21. That's because they're hiding....
  22. Global car boot sale!! One man's bargain is another's comedy thread!
  23. Someone's probably taking the piss with the Labour vote... Either that or one of these anti intelligence gathers! Lucky, sorted your contribution so you don't need lose the plot
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