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Everything posted by ChrisJones

  1. Great gun! Stock up on spares though because they're getting scarce.
  2. What sort of power does it put out and how many shots per charge are you getting?
  3. I have exactly the same problem, mate. I switched to contact lenses years ago and I've never looked back. Vision Express do the monthly disposables at around £15 a month and includes all the cleaning solutions and free eye tests. Also replacements if you loose any (which is a god send if you play rugby!) Other places have deals too so it's worth shopping around!
  4. tiny tim's advice is a good start. It might be a bit of grit in the valve. If the valve is knackered it'll cost you £6.50 to buy a new one from Blackpool Air Rifles. You can buy them from any Air Arms stockist but Blackpool have a picture on their website. £7 is average. Blackpool Air Rifles. Air Arms Accessories Scroll down to the snap connector kit and price up the bits you need. You will notice that they do the male parts with two different diameters, 16mm and 17mm. If you get the wrong diameter (i.e it's too big) you won't be able to screw the valve cover back on your rifle.
  5. Crooked as f**k. A 100 year (YES! A Century!) long b*an on revealing the details has been slapped on the case. Known as a D Notice. The notice was to allegedly gag the press from exposing a list of high ranking paedophiles, containing at least two senior ministers.
  6. One of the best rifles currently on the market. Very accurate. Very reliable. Highly recommended.
  7. No particular reason. Just thought I'd expand on what you'd already said.
  8. Simple answer is be careful. Don't give too much away about what you're upto because those silly anti c**ts are watching this looking for tips. They can't sort it for themselves so why does everyone seem so intent on filling in the blanks for them?
  9. Sound display of professional pest control there. It's about time these lentil munching charity workers faced reality.
  10. If the rust isn't to established couldn't he just use some Youngs 303 and some fine wire wool? Should lift it right off without too much hassle?
  11. Banks is dead. Should we send the condolence cards, freepost, to LACS and ask them to pass them on to his family?
  12. I don't believe it happend. It's their way of trying to tell the world that we're horrible b*****ds because we found a loophole in their campaign and we made them pay for it. Sympathy vote plane and simple. Besides they're having a whip round for a bouquet of flowers for Banks' funeral.
  13. What's the best pre-charged rifle on the market? Shortlisted from the thread of recommendations.
  14. I am wishing him well. I seriously don't want him to die. I want him to live long enough for the Hunting Act to be unravelled... then his ticker can pack up...
  15. Link To The BBC: Former sports minister Tony Banks has suffered a stroke and is gravely ill in a US hospital, a family friend says. Doesn't look like he'll be sabbing any hunts for a while...
  16. Have A Read Of This Notice From DEFRA
  17. Durability is something of a niggle on the S200. By that I mean they have plastic bolts and triggers but has anyone shot one regularly enough to damage either? How many are breaking and is down to regular use or abuse? The S200 I shot had the stainless trigger and bolt which cured anything plastic and still kept the price competitive. I tried the magazine version and never had any jams but to be fair I haven't put it through the extreme testing I usually do. I know the early mags had a jamming issue but haven't heard it on the later stuff until now. The S200 is around £250 and wor
  18. Cheers Peg. You've just made my mind up!
  19. Question for the springer users. Why stick to springer over pre-charged? Is it ease of use and no shot limit or is it a purist thing? Cost? Tradition? I've shot many springers and precharged over the years and all have varying qualities that would several books but why do you stick to your particular model. I've shot springers that are as accurate as pre-charged and I have to confess to preferring springer because of the craft in shooting it. Mastering the recoil. Hold over etc... Saying that pre-charged have their place and there are some amazing rifles on the market as we're seei
  20. Great shots FR. Looks like a handy bit of kit! What sort of game are you taking with? Small quarry or mixed? I've been wondering about these synthetic stocks now that decent walnut is few and far between... a very good mate of mine made a synthetic stock for his AAS200 and it floats! He dropped it in a stream to demonstrate and sure enough it bobbed about in the water. Whether it will catch on is anyone's guess but I've got one on order!
  21. Theres now an option on Imageshack that automatically resizes pics on upload!
  22. After seeing your pictures of the 77 in action I was wondering whether you use it as your everyday rifle? I've always been a fan of the 77 but after selling mine... and seeing the 97 come on in leaps and bounds I was wondering whether to go for another. You said you had it tuned. Is just a tune to make it smoother or has the power been upped slightly? While I rated the standard 77 I didn't think it shot as well as the standard 97 although I did reckon the tuned varieties were hard to tell apart. What say you?
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