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Everything posted by ChrisJones

  1. Gav you're sailing a bit close to the wind with some of the comments made on this forum. Not only is it poor sportsmanship it's also highly illegal. The particular species referred to is protected by law regardless of the numbers you're seeing them in. I suggest you read this on DEFRA's General Licence... http://www.defra.gov.uk/wildlife-countrysi...gen-licence.htm It tells you what you can and cannot legally shoot. While you can't be physically stopped shooting the way you do, you can be stopped posting about it so please think before you hit the Add Reply button. Muchas
  2. What was the quality of the work like, Baldie?
  3. Steady on Gav... if you've got an issue with someone take it to PM or the Flame Threads. Don't hijack this thread.
  4. Depends what they are. If it shows a days bag then fair play. If it shows you licking them or balancing them on your joystick they'll probably be deleted.
  5. Give the newer site a look http://www.hydro-graphics.co.uk/ You'll have to speak to them for a quote. It ain't cheap but it's as good as you can get.
  6. As if by magic, the shopkeeper appeared...
  7. B2's are made by Chinese convicts! Quality is reflected in the price.
  8. At least the fat lads had the momentum to carry them faster than those with the short little legs . Feel the magic, hear the roar...
  9. Take it to a gun shop and get it chronographed. If it's doing less than 10ft/lbs then it shouldn't be used on live quarry.
  10. More like Rattle The Cat Flap, short arse!
  11. Yeah, I think you can even buy rifle rags now. They're simple enough to make as DPM material is cheap enough and easy enough to cut into strips.
  12. Get it dipped at hydrographics. Website is here http://www.hydrographics.org.uk/ but it's down at the moment.
  13. Stereotypes work so well because they lump people together in a way that's easier for other people to understand. It's when the stereotypes are broken that the hatred starts to dissolve.
  14. Gas Rams are like marmite. You'll either love them or hate them, and it's usually down to the recoil. It's much sharper. Some people love it. Some don't. I don't so I'd advise anyone looking at doing this kind of conversion to shoot a gun that's already had it done. Theoben marketing say that the gas ram is the best thing to hit the springer market. They would because they charge £60 a go for them. Try before you buy. I've heard of several hundred complaints over the years of faulty gas rams and people that simply can't live them. The air gun shooting world is probably split in two. Don
  15. ChrisJones

    pest control

    You should see what some of the big firms charge! Think back to the builder that treated a loft space for cluster flies. He got a quote off a firm and thought it was too high so he did it himself... ... thing is he didn't take into account that the roofspace was also a bat colony and after he'd killed the ones in the loft he went to court and was fined under the Wildlife And Countryside Act. £5000 a bat! A £25 survey fee isn't that expensive then is it?
  16. I'll tell you now it will piss all over the previous guns you've had! Not had a go of the XL Tactical but Lightnings are popular rifles and many lads swear by them. They seem to be priced right anyway. What are the differences over the standard XL? Is it just a synthetic stock?
  17. Nice one Jordan. Good haul there mate!
  18. ChrisJones

    pest control

    It's more than a full time job and there is plenty of work available. The problem is that it doesn't pay particularly well. If you want a job that pays fortunes then it's not a trade to move into. There is money in it but it's very competitive and salesmen drive the value of the job down constantly. You have to adapt to the seasons and you only work more than 40 hours if you want to! Poisons and gas play their part but so do traps, pellets and ferrets. Each individual job warrants an individual treatment and one of the great parts about it is solving the problem in the best way. Very few
  19. Harris Bipods can be removed with the turn of a screw. Can be done in the field but if you're doing loads of standing shots then don't fit a bipod. I don't see the point in carrying bits of extra kit for the sake of it. The good news. They will effect the accuracy if you use them. They stop the gun wobbling about. The bad news is they make your rifle set up weigh more and it also effects the balance. They also cost the price of a second hand spring rifle. The only way to tell is to try one and see if you get on with it.
  20. ChrisJones

    pest control

    If you want to get into the industry the BPCA ticket is the way to go but it's pricey. Also if you want a job with a firm you'll spend more time treating cockroaches, in dirty restaurants, than you will ferreting and foxing.
  21. I've recently been in a situation where two drunken teenagers stole a car, and went for an early morning drive round, and then crashed their car into mine. I woke up at 7:30AM to hear the wife crying as my totalled car was in the middle of the road, and two lads were fleeing the scene. Police turned up and when they PNC'd the stolen car it came back as no registered keeper. Once that happened they were more concerned about removing the blockage than finding out who did it despite a description and a known suspect running from the car. The car was worth a grand but the insurance hav
  22. Any further update on this case as the summons was issued in January? Like Baldie says a guilty verdict test case would class starter pistols as imitation firearms and yet another useful tool will be confined to the bin.
  23. Why by a cheap CO2 plinker named after a sex offender? Stick with what works and then you won't have to sell it, after a month, for half what you paid for it.
  24. You watch they'll only serve 3 months.
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