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Everything posted by ChrisJones

  1. 10 pages, and 2 threads, on a gay television presenter... I wonder about this place sometimes.
  2. This is why Trump's border wall won't work. What good is a barrier if you haven't got anyone watching it?
  3. At least it isn't soy lattes... Imagine the kerfuffle...
  4. Hope they'll do it right this time... Time will tell I suppose.
  5. Warming up for next season...
  6. What we've been told for decades is dwindling fish stocks. Iceland halted and then reversed it by closing their waters off to anyone other than Icelanders. As Britain is basically an island sat atop a massive fishery I don't see how they couldn't follow a similar path and reinvigorate a dying industry.
  7. Thanks for that Nicepix I figured they'd go through some kind of licensing but wondered if they would do what Icelanders do as a more extreme measure and as a show to the EU. Icelandic cod sells tonnes here in the US.
  8. Another MP caught in a scandal... In other news 'Cat Has An Arse.'
  9. Question about UK commercial fishing. I'm on a late shift today so I'm having a casual morning reading the news and I came across this article in a French newspaper. For those that can't be arsed reading the general gist is that the French are warning the Brits that 75% of their commercial fish catch is sold to France and they'll probably want to continue fishing it. A thorny discussion for when these trade deals get hammered out, no doubt. So the question is will Britain capitulate or will they do what Iceland do and only allow it's own fisherman to fish it? Iceland has done wo
  10. We're getting the stereotypical Yank over-reaction to this. Face masks flying off the shelves to turned up to 11 paranoia. NPR is basically telling everyone to calm down as regular flu has already killed 8000 people this season alone and that number is still going up. I'm sure flame throwers for sanitation will be appearing on the shelves soon.
  11. It's a good start in the fight towards a much smaller government but it worries me that they're already talking about raising your taxes.
  12. Funny you should say that, mate. I was talking to a couple of lads in Las Vegas and they thought I was talking about gang territory! The evolution of language!
  13. No argument here. Pork is the meat of kings anyway!
  14. Thanks for that one Arry! I'll see if it works in the colonies! I'm looking forward to trying it!
  15. I watched this one again on streaming last night. It's solid gold!
  16. I don't think anyone would argue that it's the terrorists fault but the system that allowed it to happen isn't blameless either. That includes the community and hate culture he's been exposed to. If he was monitored after his release it might of not happened. If he was locked up it definitely wouldn't. I'm curious as to how he managed to be convicted of a terror offense, jailed, and released in under two years but if that's now the way we do things do we honestly think it's going to solve a problem? Everyone on THL blames lefty liberals and human rights laws... How can this not be part of
  17. ChrisJones


    Fair comment, mate but what other solution is there? They're not going to repeal that tax because not enough people are arguing for it to be abolished. That says it doesn't register on the Important-O-Meter. The only way to stop it is to turn it off. The Yanks are just as bad, maybe worse, but I opted out. No one in my houses watches it. Problem solved.
  18. Donnie did it over here and we're at 22 trillion and counting!
  19. Only a cynic would suggest that they want to keep you paying that EU money into the kitty so they can increase the fight against terrorism...
  20. When are your taxes getting cut?
  21. $14 a month for Netflix. YouTube and Vimeo for free streamed through the telly. There's some incredible stuff on Vimeo if you're willing to dig for it.
  22. He got jailed and released for a terrorist offense in under two years?! What the f*ck is your government playing at?!
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