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Everything posted by ChrisJones

  1. Seriously! People accuse us of being politically correct. The reality is we just try and stop people incriminating themselves. We let the vast majority of the shit slide. I think the pinnacle in political correctness is when an airgun site censors posts about legal hunting activities... that's just mind boggling. These things weren't invented just to make nice patterns on paper pads.
  2. Seems to be developing a touch of anti hunting mentality... ask yourself why would you want an airgun forum that won't allow hunting?
  3. If you're not feeding it, find out who is. If there isn't food, water, or shelter, then it won't hang around and they will travel considerable distances for any combination. If you've set traps leave them for a few days and resist the temptation to move them around. Rats don't like that, some will walk around if for days until they're comfortable, or hungry enough, to go with what's offered on the trap.
  4. I've met Lenny Bennett... Thanks for introducing yourself Ben Colyer... we'll be keeping an eye on you now.
  5. I wouldn't trade a new Prosport against a new S16!
  6. If it's second hand give it a good once over before you decide to part with any cash. I've seen various "As New" rifles, over the years, and they vary from being genuine to looking as though they've been buried in the back yard. As with all second hand purchases, buyer beware.
  7. I'll be straight with you... I don't want to buy it but you're comparing it against a Logun S16. Having shot both rifles I prefer the Prosport, although I must stress that I had an early S16 and it's not a favourable comparison. I don't think an S16 is a fair swap for a Prosport, unless the Prosport is utter junk. You have a better rifle.
  8. The free upgrades, for the old version, end at the end of May. After that you need the new free version of AVG to keep it up. Not had any problems so far...
  9. I'm not 100% sure how it works over your way. I do know that you need FAC for any air rifle, so it's probably best you check with your local police.
  10. If you're in Eire you'll need a firearms certificate. Contact your local police station for details of the requirements.
  11. Give Gunpower a ring on 01233 642 357. There website is http://www.gunpower.org.uk They might be able to suggest spares or repairs, even if it means you can send your gun back to them. Of course they won't allow a repaired rifle, to leave their workshop, above 12ft/lbs without an FAC.
  12. Some superb rifles there... may I ask why you'd be selling them?
  13. How many rifles are you selling at the moment?
  14. Don't know where you can get them from, but I did fix your picture.
  15. Just as a footnote to the previous post it's worth nothing this addition to the general license. "Persons relying on this licence must be satisfied that non-lethal methods of resolving the problem are ineffective or impracticable." That is open to interpretation but I would expect someone to be dragged into court over it in the future. If the neighbouring houses disagree with what you're doing you may be expected to demonstrate that shooting was the last resort. So keep notes about what else you did to deter the birds from your property. (i.e scarecrow, sending the kids outside to play
  16. The Ratcatcher is classed as a rifle, and an extremely low powered one at that.
  17. It's a better gun, than the Lightning, but there are far better guns around, for less money.
  18. 180 bar on the compressor, not the cylinder. I trust the charging equipment not the gauge on the gun.
  19. Don't buy it... They're not great new never mind butchered, like you said it is. Save for a little longer and buy something that will actually do what you want it to.
  20. Longbow's are fine but a little pricey for what they are. What's happening with the Lightning? They're usually pretty reliable guns.
  21. Three pellets stuck up the barrel of an HW100? What did he do to it, to get that?
  22. Good luck to you. You will regret it.
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