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Everything posted by ChrisJones

  1. For me it would be a massive do over. A strong foundational constitution and repealing of tens of thousands of bullsh*t laws. That would the start point. The short answer is individual liberty. Everything up from there is open to discussion with the people.
  2. You say that now but ask anyone here... I'm a c*nt!
  3. I'm the same, mate! I like what you and @WILF are posting but I can't issue you both the politically correct THL kudos because of the limitations on our forum freedoms! You too!
  4. Done it quite a bit over the years, mate, and I honestly can't find anything that hasn't been issued a firm rebuttal and then several more counter studies that read like a typical THL thread. For the sake of brevity I won't argue the point and say that you're correct. How would a nationalist government going to fix that without avoiding the pitfalls we've seen in recent history and also avoid the hurdles that doom it to failure? I fully agree that changes need to be made and I agree with a lot of what you and @jetro are posting today. But even if a hypothetical soft and broad nationa
  5. Can't argue with much of that until we reach a point before the virus locked down our respective countries. Until the last couple of weeks the amount of jobs, at least here in the colonies, outstripped the ability to fill them. The best way to secure the investments in business, jobs, people, etc, in my opinion is to remove the barriers for businesses to want to do business in our respective countries. That will allow for all that you've listed to happen. Fully agree and we're essentially just sh*t posting to while the time away while the apocalypse rolls outside. We're purely shooting
  6. @Meece Here's the overspill from the neighbour shooting mentioned earlier. I didn't dig too far for the video but it was posted in another thread on THL. The actual footage isn't pleasant but this is the news summary.
  7. I have to say. I'm kind of impressed that Facebook posters are actually fact checking sh*t.
  8. Good for the leak and the cat...
  9. This year but they haven't narrowed it down to month, unfortunately. Can't wait!
  10. I'd love to see that data for Westminster! They're sh*tt*ng themselves as to how much it reveal about their idleness or shenanigans. Or they're trying to quickly enact some kind of emergency power that makes them exempt from the season finale reveal!
  11. How would you make it work though? @WILF highlighted how doing it at gunpoint will fail. So will enacting the laws he mentioned. I added the 3rd one of emergency powers based on the greater good and security. I fully agree that the system has to change but I'd like to see a stimulus to the economy that sees fewer barriers to business that would create quality well paying jobs that would encourage people to come to work for their own benefit. That should theoretically fix the depending on ourselves and helping ourselves equation. Reducing the size of our bloated public sector would also ad
  12. I'd like to see the sources for that, mate, but even if it is correct how would even the broadest nationalist government of country begin to address the issue without hurdling the the points we've both made only a few posts ago?
  13. It's not blurry enough! 3/10
  14. Solid gold that one, Pete! Can't wait for the new season that's inbound. Well worth a watch!
  15. ... so this is how liberty dies. With thunderous applause!
  16. True but doesn't nationalism itself tend to separate people within the nation itself? The general term, in my understanding, is used to collect people of common shared characteristics and experiences. It begins with a widespread common denominator and then subdivides within itself. The main could be ethnicity. Then it could divide into religious collectives. Even linguistic. Even here on THL we have many English, Scots, Welsh and Irish contributors with their own sense of identity and national pride. I'm sure many of our Irish associates have first hand experience of how that played out within
  17. I was thinking the same, mate. Many over here are furloughed rather and canned entirely which is sh*t for the individual but a little more reassuring for the medium/long term. While my initial comments were a little disingenuous there's a lot of historical cases of nationalist governments becoming dictatorships. I still can't think of one that didn't but open to correction.
  18. Yes. Recession is already inbound. Domestic manufacturing will be a tricky one. Consumers are currently only willing to pay the cheapest prices that the market will support. The paradigm shift to support local business will take a minute even if it's possible. The cost increase is always passed on to the consumer. A good way to shift it and bring manufacturing back, domestically, is to lower the costs and entries to business. Example would be abolishing corporation taxes. The paradox here is that expansive state run stimulus will run out of money and with all nations looking at ways to ba
  19. Same here in the US. Some states are trying to track New Yorkers that may have fled the city and could be carrying the virus. Snowden was on JRE a while back and it's almost like he was digital Jesus! You're right. It's not exclusive to nationalist governments but they often become dictatorships. Honest question? Are there any examples of a nationalist government that wasn't? Either way these 'emergency powers' that have now created absolute power have to ringing the alarm bell. Will any of the old Soviet-bloc countries follow suit? Poland perhaps?
  20. You pretty much nailed it there, mate. People are panicked across the world and they're grasping at anything they can to get their heads around it. Bottled water and sh*t tickets for all, and guns and ammo for some. Some will feel better that they can wipe their arses into the next decade others feel better just on the off chance that the cartels will suddenly want to jump the border and cross 6 states to stop you wiping your arse into the next decade. If you mull on it wiping your arse with 3 ply is pretty low down on the priority list when you stop looking at Karen's Facebook feed and actual
  21. Lower demand. Server can keep up.
  22. I'm reading the media on this a little further and their new emergency rules are open ended. They suspend parliament and elections, allows ruling by decree and include a rule that you can serve 5 years in prison for spreading fake news, or any news that "blocks or hinders the defensive measures." How I feel about government overreach is no mystery but who the f*ck gets to decide what is fake news, or what is unpalatable? Now it begs the question, at least for me. How many other EU nations have these emergency powers? Hungary are an EU state, no?
  23. I read that earlier. If they insist on nationalism this is how it plays out? No? There's a Ben Franklin quote in there somewhere!
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