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Everything posted by ChrisJones

  1. Firstly welcome to the forum Steve. When it comes to controlling birds, it might be worth reading and digesting this thread on the legalities and requirements of such an endeavour. It's outlines methods and disposal also. Grey squirrels are an introduced species, and as such can be taken at any time of the year. Red squirrels are protected. One will earn you a round of applause and the other could see you in a courtroom facing a fine and/or prison sentence! Preferred method of disposal is burn or bury. I've always used the incinerator, at work, as that's what we do. But I'm sure s
  2. Interesting section of voting... thanks everyone.
  3. ChrisJones


    I love .25. From a Rapid MkII in FAC and from a chopped down Lightning carbine. The FAC brings out the best in this walloping calibre, but the Lighting .25 makes a greating short range ratter!
  4. No worries, it's fixed. Sean certainly wouldn't make an assumption like that. He's a very knowledgeable board regular. If we had a quid for everyone that came on with a rifle query we wouldn't have to work any more, apart from here. Because of the sheer volume of requests, on here, sometimes you'll get what appears to be a standardised response. It's not intentional and if you hang around for a bit I'm sure you'll get a feel for the place. No one makes the assumption that you don't know shit... It's just that if we had a quid for every post I deleted, where someone wants to just
  5. I have nothing against .177. I've used them to great effect, but alot of people do complain about runners. I believe this is more to do with poor shot placement than choice of calibre. I've yet to see a runner from a head shot. Calibre has nothing to do with it.
  6. The advantage of a silencer, on a rifle, is just that. Makes it quieter and means you'll be able to take more game without spooking your quarry, as the sound won't carry as far. This is also a good thing in modern day, paranoid, Britain. If your work carries you near residential areas the residents are less like to be disturbed by your pest control activities. As for calibre... they all have their strengths and weaknesses. Whichever you choose, practice. If you hit them in the head it won't matter what size slug you're using.
  7. Gaining permission can be extremely difficult. It involves going to as many farmers/land owners as you can stomach, and offering your services. The more you try the better your chance of success, expect to be turned away. Lots. You just have to persevere and there is no easy way to get around it. Make copies of the permission letters as seen in this thread. Carrying them shows you're serious about your craft and also means you can capitalise on a land owner saying yes. Even though you're eager, try to resist shooting on land where you haven't had a permission letter signed by the land
  8. Hard to say. How much do you want for it?
  9. Fat balls are usually put out by well meaning householders, as winter food for birds. Also very prevalent in the number of rat call outs I had from 2005 to last winter. They attract birds and also rodents.
  10. In response to Rhodey. Brew a cup of tea, first, because this is a mega post... Just what is it exactly that you're afraid of? Faith based schools have been in Britain since the beginning. I wasn't allowed to go to a Catholic school because I was christened C of E. Even now faith schools discriminate against non-believers to the point where my C of E friend has had his daughter christened Catholic to give her the best chance at schooling, because the local Catholic school has better grade averages than the local C of E school. So what has changed? Not a great deal. Someone wants to teach
  11. I've been called a sanctimonious arse on here a few times. Sounds like I need to work harder at it.
  12. When I first saw this thread I thought you said James Herriot and thought 'What The F***?' Then I read it properly... I won't come in here again....
  13. How many Welsh in Wales then? Percentage wise? Can you see the Welsh Assembly embracing Sharia Law any time soon? No. Me neither.
  14. Hard to say. With British apathy I'd say later rather than sooner. There's too few that give a f*** and even fewer that want to help those that do. I'll be interested to see how long it takes before the public are complaining that they can't drive to the shops and what b*****ds the truck drivers are for stopping the fuel supply... how much a litre is it now?
  15. No egg on my face. I'm not religious. I don't practice a religion and I don't complain about it changing my life. If anyone wants to see the benefits of Sharia law look at Iran, parts of Iraq, Afghanistan and Sudan. The fact is that the majority of people that complain about muslims taking over the world don't go to church and aren't in a position to practice their own religion, never mind complain about others. I was just highlighting this myth that Asians are going to take over the country. Which is more f*****g stupid than the Millennium Dome.
  16. Sounds doom mongering but there has to be a point where it will give... I mean how many more people use red diesel since the prices doubled? How many people siphon fuel from people's tanks? How many just drive away and refuse to pay? They're crimes but people just can't afford to live here any more. The last lot of fuel strikes saw people scrapping at the pumps... nothing major... just minor scuffles. How much of a shortage would it take before people start getting killed over it? Seriously... people are getting killed in their thousands in the middle east, over it, so why is it such a har
  17. But increase the risk of haemorrhoids.
  18. They delivered the milk for long enough... what's the problem? Are 20" rims too much on float?
  19. Asians make up around 4 to 5% of the population of the UK. As that's roughly split between Indians and Pakistanis then that's a divided community that bear old grudges against each other. This threat, you're talking about, is a myth. Gordon is the problem and the 96%, of the 96% of whites, that really don't give a f**k about the place any more. Britain has just as much of a chance of becoming a Scientology country as it does a Islamic one. If Islam bothers you, go to church and don't be a hypocrite like 93.986% of the whites that complain about religion, but don't practice one.
  20. Totally agreed Deker and you're absolutely right but you forget to mention elementary chaos theory which dictates large stockpiles of the previous concentrate. In an effort to use up such stockpiles, or old boy mentality which immediately distrusts new products, batches could be incorrectly mixed. While I accept the dosage would have to be really high, to effect humans, the dosage would be much smaller for dogs and smaller still for ferrets. But the point I was really trying to make is... would you really want to eat an animal contaminated with Warfarin?
  21. The technology will arrive but the oil companies own the patents for it. Like when Shell advertise how much they're investing in alternative energy. They know what to do but won't. Why? Because oil is still available and there is alot of it. It's not in their interests to introduce new technology while they're still sat on millions of barrels of crude. It's business and no company that can make hundreds of billions, in annual profits, will introduce a fuel cell while they've got all that stock for drilling and pumping. They will continue to jack up the price, because they can, and the ave
  22. Mohamed and Allah are the least of your worries. You should concentrate more on Gordon, Alistair and Geoff.
  23. Let us know what you do with your dead game. The poll contains the word rabbit although this intended to refer to any of the edible quarry (i.e woodpigeon, pheasant, etc.) The word rabbit, henceforth, will refer to the general term 'edible quarry.' The question I Eat All Of What I Shoot is not intended to imply that you'll eat the 6 dozen rats you shot in the barn and the voter will not be heckled because of such a selection. It is not an admission of guilt to eating rat, it's to see how many hunt for the pot as well as attend to pest control/sporting activities. It's an assumption that t
  24. I can adjust the poll, but I won't. I've had complaints before and I really don't want people whinging because I didn't give them the option as well. Instead I'll start another poll.
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