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Everything posted by ChrisJones

  1. With all due respect, doga. If you've got a cheap, underpowered, rifle you really shouldn't be hunting with it.
  2. In a perfect world you'd be right but the only spanner is trying to find decent pellets to put in the rifle! Didn't Crosman discontinue Accupells in .20? Shot placement, every time!
  3. Crossbow for sale post has been moved to the Classifieds.
  4. One of my customers took the family guinea pig to the vets, to have it PTS. He was charged £86 for the injection and the disposal.
  5. They'd never clear a gas for culling badgers. They'd never be able to sell such a method, to parliament. Trap and shoot is the way it'll go, if it ever goes official. Remember the independent inquiry into foxhunting? The one they spent millions on? The one that said there was f**k all wrong with it? The one they completely ignored? Lobbyists will decide the outcome. The animal rights lobbyists work harder, are better funded, and in a better decision to call the shots. Unless you can convince the average Sun and Mirror reader, that farmers are good and badgers are bad, there will not
  6. Use a quality round headed pellet.
  7. If you listen to one thing I ever say... Don't use an ox spring. Ever. Especially in a superb rifle like the Weihrauch. It's like pouring sugar in the petrol tank of your new Ferrari. If you can loan the rifle for a proper test try and take it to the gun smith and get it chronographed. They will tell you exactly what power it is putting out. If the gun is still under warranty, and it hasn't been messed with, you might be able to send it in for a repair/replacement. Fair price is a tricky one as I haven't seen the gun. That is unless you have any pictures of it? Asking me what a fa
  8. Sounds pricey but what does he mean by lacking in power? Is that because he can't hit shit with it or has he butchered a home conversion with a custom (read Ox) spring? Sprayed WD40 down the barrel to get a couple more ft/lbs? Weihrauch 97's are perfect, in standard guise, unless there is something physically wrong with the gun. If there is I'd be asking why it's broken and also why he's asking a fortune for a knackered piece of steel. Buyer beware.
  9. I'd recommend Florida. It will have cooled down a little in September. You've got superb bass fishing in the Everglades and some great sea fishing all around the Atlantic coast, Florida keys and the Gulf of Mexico. Put it this way. You pack the Mrs and kids off to Disney, while you f**k off for some fishing!
  10. Definitely but you must remember that more people use text talk than have the B 4 rifle... use the space bar, chaps!
  11. There are over 10,000 members here and a hand full of moderators. That means things will slip through the cracks. Use the report button if you see something that shouldn't be here... there is a good chance we missed it.
  12. I agree JD. I think a proficiency and safety test should be applied to everything shooting related, then they could do away with the 12ft/lbs limit. It's actually an overlooked law in both Chester and Hereford. In Chester it's still legal to shoot a Welshman, with a crossbow, providing it's from inside the city walls and after midnight! Hereford, on the other hand, only observes Sunday as a closed season. You can take pot shots from Cathedral Close, at the Welsh, any other time providing it's with a bow and arrow.
  13. Pretty much no. The Wildlife and Countryside Act forbids bow hunting. It was introduced in 1981 and my understanding is that bow hunting was banned because of some of the hunting videos around at the time. A bow in the right hands is a fantastic tool but as always it was the negative videos that were used to influence the legal decision to ban hunting with them. This forum did have a bow hunting section but it was withdrawn due to lack of activity.
  14. This thread was conceived to steer people in the right direction. Discussing ballistics and pellet choice, is confusing for beginners with no background in shooting. .20 calibre and .25 calibre are usually special order, from gun shops. If someone has taken the time to research the pros and cons of the calibres then the information in this thread is taken as a given. No doubt there will be a calibre thread in the future.
  15. You cannot kill any wild animal, in the UK, with a crossbow. Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981 The reason you can't find the right forum is because there isn't a forum set up for it.
  16. All official imports have Hull Cartridges and the serial number stamped near the breech. If it's not there then I'm not sure what else to add. It's still fixable, without problems, but determining it's age could be difficult.
  17. Hard to determine the age of such a rifle but they have been around a long time. Best bet is get the serial number, from the rifle, and email it to Weihrauch at info@weihrauch-sport.de. They might be able to give you a production date. Fixing it up will give you a great rifle. The rifle is still in production, so parts are easily available. Cost of repairs will depend on the condition of the rifle. Take it into your local gun shop and as for a quote.
  18. Yeah, I know that now. Mental note to self. Think before you hit send... caught out by my own rules.
  19. Too late in Britain I agree, I meant internationally. I know many will have their opinion, on him, but Cesar Millan has done alot of PR for pitbulls. I'm surprised how many of the general public have softened their stance because of his TV programs. I'm sure alot of you will laugh, at that, but he's done more for it than our Bull Breeds forum ever did.
  20. Yeah you're right but why turn down an opportunity to stir the shit!
  21. All of them can be dangerous animals. The pit bull needs a better publicist. Even before they were banned there were far more dogs off the DDA, responsible for attacks on people, than those on it.
  22. Would it have made national news if it was a JRT? Would it f**k.
  23. Read this article and this one as well. While it could be real, or a hoax, this happened in August 2007. If he really did starve a dog to death, for art, then it's dead and no petition, e-petition, or otherwise is going to make any difference. I reckon it was a publicity stunt, especially as he signed the petition himself.
  24. Oooooooh! Light the blue touch paper and stand well back! I would certainly dispute that they're just toys... they're responsible for numerous pest control duties and I've racked up more results, with the 12 ft/lbs air rifle than I ever could with a rimmy or centerfire. 500 rounds of ammo for less than a tenner... Anyone else want to stick the boot in on Deker? Only kidding! But you really hurt my feelings, Deker!
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