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Everything posted by ChrisJones

  1. I didn't remove the your post but I have just been in to prune the whole thread and have advised anyone, that wants to spend the hours, to PM the person looking for a Presa Canario. The whole thread turned into a pissing contest, that's why it's all gone.
  2. This thread has been locked as it's clearly going no where. Any other contact should be via PM.
  3. Stickied at authors request. Get well soon DDD, hope the op goes well...
  4. Like with all these stories... I'll believe it when I see it. The bits in the middle are all about credibility. As always I'd like to see the evidence, and a rabbit dying of lead poisoning doesn't count!
  5. Why not change it? Handling all of them can only make you a better shooter! I agree! I know an old timer that only hunts with an HW45 pistol in .22. He's a sportsman but says that the buzz is getting close enough to hit it with a pistol... I'd take that over a 6 mile shot, any day!
  6. Neither. I'd go to Lowther... it has a poorer selection of patio furniture and cheap tools, than the Midland, but has much more hunting gear...
  7. ChrisJones


    My personal opinion is that as long as I have breath in my lungs I will never vote for the old National Front. Politicians are dirty lying b*****ds. The fact that they want to get paid to be dirty lying b*****ds makes them professional dirty lying b*****ds. They will promise you everything. They will deliver the path of least resistance, meaning they will do the bare minimum of work. The way I see it, is that if you want to make the world a better place then you have to remove any kind of monetary compensation from the job of MP. That way only those that want to make a
  8. I've removed the link to this anti site. First reason is that it's shite and we're giving them free publicity. Second reason is because this one of the biggest hunting sites on the Net and by having that shit here we push their tired little site further up the Google and Yahoo ranking system. The only time that site got any traffic is when WE visited them. No one else gives a shit. Even their supporters don't visit it any more because they've got f**k all to say. They've run out of terrier work scandal to post so now they're regurgitating news articles about people who have suppose
  9. Does he go into any details about drugs on the Tour? =@ =@ =@ =@
  10. Vets charge what the market can take. Like oil companies. As long as people are prepared to pay their extortionate fees then they will continue to charge them. Unfortunately as the majority of the pet owning public think that this is fair and will do anything to save poor Tiddles (and I partly blame Rolf Harris for this) so vets capitalise on it. If people turned around and said 'No' then the prices would have to come down, but too many people treat Tiddles better than they would a dying relative. Basically it ain't going to get better.
  11. That is true, Fidgety. But we live in Britain. A place of crazy knee jerk politics. If a licensing system was in place, with some sort of certificate of proficiency, I reckon it would legitimise airguns as firearms and we could do away with the power limit. This would also stop toy shops selling BB and airsoft weapons and make crimes out of what has been highlighted by Phantom. Too many idiots are killing cats and songbirds. This makes us look like wankers. Anything we can do to raise the bar, so to speak, we should.
  12. Yeah!! Kinda makes you wonder what the point is, doesn't it. Enjoy it. You get years if you're lucky. Live every day like it was your last!
  13. I'd say so. Purely my opinion of course.
  14. Any idea who did it??!! The sooner these tools are licensed, the better IMHO.
  15. Yeah I suppose it's a different thing but that what happens when equipment fails. At least this guy appeared to survive but in fairness he fell a few hundred feet instead of a few thousand. I certainly wouldn't want to stop someone throwing themselves out of a plane, or off a bridge, if that's what they really want to do, but if it goes wrong it will really f*****g hurt! Although if you snuff it then you're not going to feel anything. I dunno... I just think it's really f*****g stupid.
  16. No worries Mal. It's not aimed at you but was a general clarification for people that have come in and wondered if they posted here or not. It can be a bit confusing when you think you posted here but you can't find it. However, like a pub, it's equally awkward when you walk in half way through a conversation! I hope I didn't offend you, Mal, as it was more of a clarification for the thread and you were quoted incidentally, rather than being singled out for any action.
  17. I'll be bold here and say (again) that Ox Springs are shit. As for replacement springs what would others recommend, as an alternative, for that particular rifle?
  18. With all due respect, doga, this is an airgun forum on a hunting site but I'll concede that you're not hunting and if I've made an unnecessary mental leap between target shooting and hunting, then apologies are in order. However, we don't allow rifle tunes on the forum, and you'd know this if you'd read the sticky posts at the top of the forum. You'll get all advice but that. With all due respect of course.
  19. That particular post vanished. Mainly because it's nothing to do with airguns but also because it treads a fine line in respecting the quarry. Basically, I feel that if you need to do anything more than once then you're not humanely dispatching. We should be striving to be the best we can. Sorry but belting it a few times with a metal pole ain't good enough. It works but so does strangulation and drowning and that's f*****g barbaric... I know this thread is good natured but I won't allow anything that makes us look like monsters. We're not chatting in a pub, we're under scrutiny from our o
  20. Internet advice can be good but all licences will be issued at the discretion of the firearms officer. As no one has mentioned security, yet, I'll be the first. You'll need an approved cabinet bolted to an external wall and it needs to conform to BS7558. Contact your local firearms officer and they'll tell you exactly what you need to do.
  21. I believe that video should be showed to anyone considering jumping from a structure, or plane, attached to some cloth. If you still want to do it, after watching that, then you're a f*****g mentalist.
  22. Common sense would say that if you need a knife, you can carry one. You need one in the field. Fine, reasonable excuse. You need one for work. Fine, reasonable excuse. You're wearing a Burberry baseball cap and carrying a 12" kitchen knife, in an urban area? You should be punished. Especially for wearing the cap. I can see a society that will criminalise the carrying of knives and also a society where only criminals will carry them. Bit like banning handguns, to stop gun crime, straight after the Soviet Union collapsed, because we all know that there is no gun crime in the UK, any more.
  23. You're jumping out of a perfectly good aeroplane attached to... err... some cloth... What's safe about it? Watch This Idiot Jump Of A Dam, Attached To Some Cloth. Alright, it's not a plane, it's a base jump, but the principle is the same. Jump! Pull Cord! Experience! Make sure the sound is on for maximum impact. Looks fun doesn't it? I'll go ahead and say it. I think anyone that wants to engage in such activity is crazy. Seriously f*****g unhinged. I know a few here had to do it in the military. I'm sure many people enjoy it but if we were meant to fall to earth, unsca
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