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Everything posted by ChrisJones

  2. ChrisJones


    They may want to repeal this particular legislation but you're very naive if you think they're going to be your friends again. Compo: Kettle's boiled. I've only got Yorkshire Gold though...
  3. ChrisJones


    Does anyone think that they'll replace it with anything that's actually owner friendly? Smell the f*****g coffee...
  4. For the purposes of this post the word 'You' isn't aimed at Nitevision, although it's his thread and his posts I'm quoting. The word 'You' is aimed at anyone who feels they may be effected by their post history and anyone that is curious about the site. We don't get contacted by the police. YOU DO! We've been telling you from day one, to be careful what you post. We've been telling you from day one, that this site, and the hunting community in general, is being infiltrated by antis and the police. We've been telling you from year one, that this site, and the hunting comm
  5. He will be if he doesn't pack it the f**k in. We don't mind people selling dogs. We do mind people shifting litter, after litter, pup after pup, and contributing f**k all else to the forum in the meantime. There will be no further warnings on this.
  6. I'm the shooting mod!! These fingers are dangerous. With all the years of typing, reloading the rifle was easier than starting an argument on the internet. No... it's someone we love much, much more!
  7. how true nog let it wipe out all our native wildlife,with full protection from the law,wish i was a scholar,so i could understand it im currently doing a degree in ecology and wildlife management, but it dont make it any clearer mate How they can make it wrong to control alien pests is beyond me....they may aswell give the grey squirel some sort of protection. The people that make these laws are clueless fools in suits. Leave the coutryside to those who live and work in it i say and ban every other fecker It's not illegal to kill mink. Infact the law says that if you trap one
  8. We were trying to get the Foreman, on the Grassy Knoll, but he couldn't see over the hedge...
  9. Well... I might have had something to do with that...
  10. You know we love you... :kiss: But what about a title Mr Fellman?? Give us some quotes for when we get you the THL Prize For Literature...
  11. Because a rimfire isn't always the best tool for the job. Ticket would involve something similar to the SGC and involve a proficiency test in shooting and safety. Doesn't have to be super rigorous but it does have to attempt to address the current clusterfuck of the system.
  12. This pleases me greatly. I might even phone the great man myself. But what title for the book? Dig Shallow, Throw With A Spoon by DB Fellman?
  13. That's the hard part as there are so many in circulation. My suggestion would be an amnesty followed by a registration date. You either fulfill the requirements or risk carrying an illegal firearm. At least this way the criminal fraternity will carry on as they have done and the responsible shooters will co-operate with the law to show they're legit. After numerous conversations with the local Armed Response Units, they actively encourage people to come to them for advice and would love the co-operation as it makes their lives easier. My local firearms bobby even said they wished more
  14. Good evening readers. As you know I rarely venture into these forums as I'm not a 100%, real deal, genuine dogman. However I have been reading the recent book threads and their numerous pages of critique... So after several pints of the local wine I was wondering what was missing... it finally hit me... Fellman hasn't written a book yet... Why? He has it all. An amazing personality waiting to be documented. A superb two piece shovel that defies modern engineering. A classic array of coats that wouldn't be out of place in Milan, or Skelmersdale. A first rate bolt
  15. A few years ago I'd have agreed with you. However having read this, and other forums, over the years I can't help but wonder whether it will happen. There is far more information available, now, than ever before yet look at this thread and the other running parallel to it. I seriously believe that putting rifles on ticket, doing away with the power restrictions, would at the very least keep legitimate shooters safe from further scrutiny. What currently goes on will be our downfall if left unchecked. We can't keep our heads buried in the sand if we want to save the sport.
  16. Another one gone... can't read or won't read.
  17. Don't lose heart too quickly. Any THL member can vote on these polls and not everyone here is pro hunting. Our opponents are here and they'll take any chance they can to disrupt the place. It could be antis, disgruntled police or even anti shooting journalists. It's the replies I read. Not the poll results. I've not read a decent argument, in support of shooting birds in flight yet. Mad Al kicked it all off and hasn't had much else to say on the matter. We've discussed tickets, for airguns, before and it makes you wonder whether we're turning into that street, doesn't it?
  18. The worst thing is on the other poll now running, with the more obvious answers to go for people are still saying the they do! These are the people that represent the sport though... It's clear that idiots with air rifles are a major concern. Maybe the government are correct in restricting us even further? Despite wide condemnation, of this practice, people still openly admit to it, and one with a rimfire... So do we feel a little more educated about our shooting brothers today? Is it time for airguns to go on ticket?
  19. Depends whether you're saying it tongue in cheek, or not.
  20. Not even the big block Overfinch conversion?
  21. I've used the Hawke 3-9x50IR on an HW100, Rapid FAC, Webley Stingray, HW77, and even a Ruger 10/22. I've had it 5 years, and it's been all across Europe and ever over the US. The optics are fine but the IR is very temperamental now. It works maybe 70% of the time. Over all I would buy another should this one fail... as it hasn't I'll keep using it.
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